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- About Us / Our Responsibilities / Access to Information / Disclosure Log
City of Newcastle's (CN) disclosure log records details about information that has already been released in response to a Formal Access Application and may be of interest to other members of the public. This information can be accessed by contacting the Privacy and Information Coordinator on 02 4974 2435 during business hours.
CN will update its disclosure log on a regular basis and in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Disclosure Log
Reference Number |
Date of Decision |
Information Requested |
Type of release (full or partial) |
25/007 | 02/10/2024 |
We would like to request copies of the Landfill Gas Risk Assessment required under licence 5897 for the Summerhill Waste Management facility including assessments associated with the 2016 licence and varied 2021 licence. |
Full release |
25/006 | 2/10/2024 |
We would like to request copies of all environmental monitoring reports (including dust deposition, groundwater, surface water and landfill gas monitoring) and documentation provided by City of Newcastle to EPA (from 6/08/2023 to 6/08/2024) required as part of the licence to manage the Summerhill Waste Management Facility. |
Partial release |
24/052 | 2/10/2024 |
Partial release |
Number |
Date of Decision |
Information Requested |
Type of release (full or partial) |
24/058 | 20/06/2024 | In October 2023 the City of Newcastle tendered Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects as Principal Design Consultants for Newcastle Ocean Baths Stage 2. We are seeking the tendered scope requested by the City of Newcastle for the Newcastle Ocean Baths project Stage2. | Full release |
24/057 | 27/05/2024 |
The proposed Transport Oriented Development SEPP 2024. The Diverse and well located housing reforms (Changes to create low- and mid-rise housing). Copy of Council's submissions, as well as: Any submission to the Inquiry into the Transport-Oriented Development State Environment Planning Policy (TOD SEPP) which is being chaired by The Greens. |
Full release |
24/045 | 17/05/2024 |
From 1 March 2023 to 2 March 2024, I seek the following information regarding the NSW Government's Transport Oriented Development Program, the Diverse and Well-located Homes (changes to create more low and mid-rise housing), the State Environmental Planning Policy:
Full release |
24/002 | 25/08/2023 |
Partial release |
Reference Number |
Date of Decision |
Information Requested |
Type of release (full or partial) |
23/011 | 8/12/2022 |
The request relates to information concerning the decision to remove the three fig trees in Hunter Street between Perkins and Brown Streets.
Full |
23/014 | 9/12/2022 | Please provide copies of all Council records of internal and external communication concerning the proposal to repeal Section 6.14 11 Mosbri Crescent The Hill of the Newcastle Develop Control Plan, including but not limited to records of phone calls, emails, file notes, meeting papers, and records of meetings. | Full release |
24/040 | 28/04/2023 |
The requisite record/s relating to the function held at Fort Scratchley on Saturday 11th March 2023, that disclose:
Partial |
23/025 | 23/02/2023 | A copy of CN's application, together with its attached files, to NSW government's Resource for Regions program for funding to the Livvi's Playground and associated amenities in Foreshore Park
Partial |
23/049 | 16/06/2023 |
Seek the following information relating to the Project Brief provided by CN to KPMG to devise a methodology for public consultation regarding the future of the Newcastle 500:
Partial |
Reference Number |
Date of Decision |
Information Requested |
Type of release (full or partial) |
10/002 | 03/08/2010 |
All documents relating to the state of the figtrees in Laman Street affected by the Pasha Bulker storm explaining why they were felled. |
Full release |
10/007 | 21/09/2010 |
Details of payment made to former Council staff associated with the 2009-2010 Sustainability Review process. Specifically details of amounts paid to staff who were retrenched or resigned during April 2009 - August 2010 (Although we are not seeking personal information, we require the overall amount paid to staff in the above period). |
Full release |
10/011 | 11/10/2010 | Arborists reports leading to removal of Figs in Tyrell Street including commissions by Phil Hewett. | Partial release |
15/12/2010 | Details of the total payments (redundancy packages and all entitlements) made to former council staff associated with organisational changes at City of Newcastle.
Specifically details of the number of staff and the amounts paid to staff who left the organisation through redundancy, retrenchment, resignation or other reasons, during the period from September 2008 to November 2010. |
Full release |
11/008 | 05/05/2011 | Any correspondence between the Department of Land or the Minister for Land and the City of Newcastle regarding the Newcastle Bowling Club and the King Edward Headland Reserve (DA 10/1735 for 1 Ordnance Street, Newcastle). | Full release |
11/009 | 01/04/2011 | Number of complaints made to Council's Office of the Internal Ombudsman for the calendar years 2009 and 2010. | Application refused as Council does not have an Internal Ombudsman |
11/041 | 06/02/2012 |
All emails correspondence between Council officers and/ or Councillors and all other documentation relating to Council’s internal Laman Street Project Control Group from commencement of the group to 21 October 2011. |
Partial release |
12/014 | 10/05/2012 |
Expression of interest letters: re purchase of Newcastle Council Parking Stations as going concern dated: 7 November 2011 and another letter received in January or February 2012. |
Partial release |
13/013 | 04/06/2013 |
'Refer to attachment (copy of Council's Community Newsletter (Autumn 2013) highlighted section 'external members of Council's audit committee and an external Financial Advisory Panel have advised there is significant risk to long term sustainability'. We are requesting copies of the reports from these two bodies that indicate where they advise of the risk to long term sustainability. |
Full release |
14/018 | 15/11/2013 | I request information in relation to the original source of funding for the purchase of each lot of land included in the subdivision DA 04/2841 (292 Wharf Road, Newcastle). | Full release |
14/018 | 05/12/2013 | A copy of correspondence with Honeysuckle Development Corporation in relation to development of the site (292 Wharf Road, Newcastle) and proposed public domain landscaping for the site between January 2000 and May 2005. | Full release |
14/029 | 17/02/2014 | City of Newcastle flood data for 20yr, 50yr, 100yr and PMF flood event. Data format is required to Shapefile, Grip or Mapinfo. Access to the DEM employed by NCC to calculate flood surfaces is requested. | Full Release |
14/037 | 20/06/2014 |
Information in relation to the Newcastle Art Gallery: (1) I refer to the Fact Checker - Q & A about Newcastle Art Gallery posted Wed 12 March 2014 which refers to 'other agencies' and 'relevant agencies'. Can you please provide me with a list of all other agencies and relevant agencies the council is working with in relation to this matter? (2) Provide a copy of the Pricewaterhouse Coopers legal report. (3) Provide a copy of the independent investigators report. (4) Provide a copy of all correspondence/ requests/ communications made by NCC (or its representatives) to ICAC, ATO, Commonwealth Governments Cultural Gift Program and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission regarding this matter. (5) Provide a copy of all rulings/ findings/ communications issues by ICAC, ATO, Commonwealth Governments Cultural Gift Program and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission regarding this matter. |
Partial release |
16/003 | 11/09/2015 | Any correspondence between Santos or any third party on behalf of Santos and Council or Council and NSW EPA since Nov 2011 to 20/7/2015 regarding waste, brine, water or salt disposal to Summerhill Waste Management Centre from their coal seam gas activities in NSW. | Partial release |
16/016 | 02/12/2015 | Provide a copy of the credit card statements for Peter Chrystal from 1/12/2013 - 30/3/2014. | Partial release |
16/017 | 20/11/2015 |
Transcript or financial institution statements of credit card transactions made by the general manager between the dates 27/10/13 through 30/4/14. 1. Copies of all authorised re-imbursements made to the general manager for expenses incurred and requiring re-imbursements between the dates 27/10/13 through 30/4/14. 2. Provide a full and un-redacted copy of the independent investigators report in relation to the Newcastle Art Gallery. 3.Provide a full and un-redacted copy of the Pricewaterhouse Coopers report in relation to the Newcastle Art Gallery. |
Partial release |
17/014 | 20/03/2017 |
1.Copies of all credit card statements and accompanying receipts pertaining to the Lord Mayor's credit card from 1 November 2014 to 16 November 2016. 2.Copies of all credit card statements and accompanying receipts pertaining to credit cards within the Lord Mayor's Office, from 1 November 2014 to 16 November 2016. 3. Copies of all petty cash receipts and reconciliations from the Lord Mayor's office, from 1 November 2014 to 16 November 2016. 4. Copies of all receipts for travel expenses incurred by the Lord Mayor, within and outside Australia - including reimbursements from 1 November 2014 to 16 November 2016. 5. Copies of all claims or expenses and receipts by the Lord Mayor, or the Lord Mayor's staff including any that have been accepted or declined from 1 November 2014 to 16 November 2016. |
Partial release |
17/015 | 04/09/2017 |
1. Copies of all correspondence (emails and file notes) pertaining to the actions and instructions from and to the Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayors Office from and to the Director of Corporate Services in relation to the Recruitment of any Interim CEO now and into the future from October 27th, 2016 to November 15th 2016. This means the Lord Mayor (Cr Nuatali Nelmes), the Lord Mayor's Office (the Chief of Staff and the Executive Assistant to the Lord Mayor) and the Director of Corporate Services (Glen Cousins). 2. Copies of all correspondence (emails and file notes) to the actions and instructions from and to the Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayors Office from and to the Interim CEO of City of Newcastle pertaining to the recruitment of any interim CEO of City of Newcastle now and into the future for the period from October 27th, 2016 to November 15th 2016. This means the Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayor's Office as per point 1, and the Interim CEO (Peter Chrystal). 3. Copies of all correspondence (emails and file notes) pertaining to the actions and instructions of the recruitment of any Interim or future CEO of City of Newcastle from and to the Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayor's Office and to and from The City of Newcastle Executive from October 27th, 2016 to November 15th 2016. This means the Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayor's Office as per point 1, and the City of Newcastle Executive, known has the Executive Management Team (EMT) comprising of the Interim CEO as per point 2, and the three Directors:
Partial release |
17/031 | 07/04/2017 | For the period 1 January 2016 to 10 March 2017:
1. All communications with Clubs NSW regarding the Mayfield Bowling Club and/ or any proposed development at Dangar Park, Newcastle 2. All communications with the Department of Lands regarding the Mayfield Bowling Club and/ or any proposed development at Dangar Park, Newcastle 3. All communications with Touchstone Property Solutions regarding the Mayfield Bowling Club and/ or any proposed development at Dangar Park, Newcastle. All communications with the Mayfield Bowling Club regarding any proposed development, lease or other dealings and/ or proposed development at Dangar Park, Newcastle |
Full release |
17/033 | 12/05/2017 | Incident reports, file notes relating to the Lord Mayor's vehicle from 1/1/20016 to 20/3/2017. Cost and receipts of any damage or improvements done to the Lord Mayor's vehicle completed or asked for between 1/1/20016 to 20/3/2017. Any photographs of the damage done to the car between the above mentioned dates. | Partial release |
17/038 | 30/06/2017 and 07/07/2017 |
1. Copy of the five year Rights Fee Agreement with Destination NSW and Council's Interim/ Chief Executive Officer to execute any and all necessary documents, and develop a Memorandum of Understanding with DNSW and Virgin Australia Supercar Championships referred to in the 26 July 201 resolution of Council attached ('the resolution') 2. Copy of the Memorandum of Understanding with DNSW and Virgin Australia Supercar Championships referred to in the resolution; 3. Such 'further advice' that may have been provided by V8 Supercars Pty Ltd or DNSW as to the track layout, community consultation and other related matters referred to in the resolution. 'further advice' referred to in item 3 to the 26 July 2017 resolution of Council.The relevant dates - from 26 July 2016 to 26 May 2017. 4. Details of any ticketed or other events proposed for Crown Reserves within Newcastle LGA ancillary to the Newcastle 500 occurring during the period June-December 2017, including on Foreshore Park or Camp Shortland, including/ and on Lots 2, 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13 in DP720672, Lot 1 DP729028, Lot 7308 DP1149708, Lot 2 DP729028, Lot 2 DP817695 and Lot 2953 DP755247. 5. Any documents disclosing proposed use for management of Crown Reserves of any income from use by V8 Supercars Pty Ltd, other user, or Council, for any of the events referred to in 4 (that is: 4. Details of any ticketed or other events proposed for Crown Reserves within Newcastle LGA ancillary to the Newcastle 500 occurring during the period June-December 2017, including on Foreshore Park or Camp Shortland, including/and on Lots 2, 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13 in DP720672, Lot 1 DP729028, Lot 7308 DP1149708, Lot 2 DP729028, Lot 2 DP817695 and Lot 2953 DP755247). 6. Council's scope of roadworks and other facilities upgrades planned for the Newcastle East region during May - December 2017 over the area generally comprising the proposed Newcastle 500 race as shown in the attached map (not being the Scope of Works document sought separately under point 8 below). 7. Documents indicating Council's plans as to exclusion of the public from any land pursuant to road works and other upgrades proposed in preparation for the Newcastle 500 Supercars race. 8. Documents known as the Scope of Works for Coates Newcastle 500 Supercars race. Any 'agreement/s' under s23 of the Motor Racing (Sydney and Newcastle) Act 2008 in relation to the proposed roading and replacement of trees in Camp Shortland, as to how that land will be left after the Newcastle 500 Supercars race. |
30/06/2017 – information already available 07/07/2017 - Partial release |
18/006 | 06/09/2017 |
1. Copies of all emails received by Frank Cordingley's NCC email address (fcordingley@ncc.nsw.gov.au) from Cr Andrew Rufo and Cr Allan Robinson (including email fcordingley@ncc.nsw.gov.au is carbon copied) within the period 27/10/15 to 01/05/17 (inclusive). 2. Copies of all emails sent from Frank Cordingley's NCC email address (fcordingley@ncc.nsw.gov.au) to Cr Andrew Rufo (arufo@ncc.nsw.gov.au) (including emails where Cr Rufo is carbon copied) within the period 27/10/15 to 01/05/17 (inclusive). 3. Copies of all emails sent from Frank Cordingley's NCC email address (fcordingley@ncc.nsw.gov.au) to Cr Allan Robinson (arobinson@ncc.nsw.gov.au) (including emails where Cr Robinson is carbon copied) within the period 27/10/15 to 01/05/17 (inclusive). 4. Copies of all text messages received by Frank Cordingley's former NCC mobile (0408 422 361) from Cr Allan Robinson or Cr Andrew Rufo within the period 27/10/15 to 01/05/17 (inclusive). 5. Copies of all text messages sent from Frank Cordingley's former NCC mobile (0408 422 361) from Cr Allan Robinson and/or Cr Andrew Rufo within the period 27/10/15 to 01/05/17 (inclusive). Note - emails from Mr Cordingley, Cr Rufo, or Cr Robinson to Council Services Team (CST) OR all Councillors fell outside the scope of application. |
Partial release |
18/008 | 12/09/2017 |
1. Any agreements entered into with Destination NSW or any other party regarding the operation, supervision and implementation of the Newcastle Coates Hire 500 event. 2. Any agreements entered into with Destination NSW, Supercars Australia, or any other party, to construct roadworks, or other civil works for the Newcastle Coates Hire 500 event. NCAT Decision 29/10/2018 https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/5bd2346ae4b06629b6c630a4 |
Partial release as per decision from NCAT 29/10/2018 |
18/018 | 24/10/2017 | Information regarding the cleaning staff employed by City of Newcastle for the Newcastle beaches and ocean baths. 1. Please provide information that shows how many full-time (or ongoing) staff NCC were employed in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017) as cleaning staff to carry out cleaning duties at NCC beaches and Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths. Please include the locations of the staff. 2. Please provide information that shows how many casual staff NCC were employed at the beaches and the Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 3. Please provide information that shows the prescribed daily hours of work (start time, finish time) for each day of the week for full-time (or ongoing) cleaning staff employees at NCC beaches and the Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 4. Please provide information that shows the annual award wage for a full-time (or ongoing) cleaner employed at NCC beaches and the Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 5. Please provide information that shows the total dollar value of: (a) overtime and (b) penalty rates paid to the entirety of full-time (or ongoing) cleaning staff employees at NCC beaches and Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (July 2016 - 31 June 2017). 6. Please provide information that shows the total dollar value of: (a) overtime and (b) penalty rates paid to the entirety of individual casual cleaning staff employees at NCC beaches and Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 7. Please provide information that shows the average dollar value of: (a) overtime and (b) penalty rates paid to the entirety of individual casual cleaning staff employees at NCC beaches and Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 8. Please provide information that shows the largest dollar value of: (a) overtime and (b) penalty rates paid to the entirety of individual casual cleaning staff employees at NCC beaches and Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 9. Please provide information that shows the smallest dollar value of: (a) overtime and (b) penalty rates paid to the entirety of individual casual cleaning staff employees at NCC beaches and Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017). 10. Please provide information that shows the pool cleaning requirements/advice provided by NCC supervisors regarding duties to be undertaken by cleaning staff at Newcastle and Merewether ocean baths: (a) on a daily basis and (b) on a weekly basis. in the 2016-2017 financial year (1 July 2016 – 31 June 2017) |
Partial release |
18/027 | 05/12/2017 | I am seeking access to all correspondence, including emails, from 1 June 2015 to 5 October 2017 inclusive [date of receipt of your application] between NCC and the NSW EPA and communication, including emails, between NCC staff in relation to NCC's potential acceptance of lead contaminated soil at Summerhill. 'all correspondence including emails' - this means letters and emails 'communication, including emails' - this means meeting/ file notes and emails This includes correspondence relating to the approval by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) of a variation to the licence, as well as internal Council communications relating to the implementation of processes before Council can accept lead contaminated soil. |
Partial release |
18/036 | 20/04/2018 | Information relating to the Supercars luncheon on 25 November 2017:
1. Full list of invitations issued from Lord Mayor's office for the function at Fort Scratchley associated with the Supercars on Saturday November 25, 2017. 2. Full list of invitations issued from ICEO/CEO's office for the function at Fort Scratchley associated with the Supercars on Saturday November 25, 2017. 3. All emails pertaining to Supercars, and the charity "got Your Back Sista" sent and received in Matthew Murray's council email account from 16/10/17 to 30/11/17. 4. All correspondence and electronic communications from and to the Lord Mayor and all Lord Mayor's office staff between 16/10/17 and 30/11/17 including but not limited to, emails, texts, letters, and documents, relating to the function at Fort Scratchley on 25/11/17. 5. All correspondence and electronic communications including but not limited to, emails, texts, letters, and documents from and to the ICEO/CEO's office relating to the function at Fort Scratchley on 25/11/17 [no period included]. 6. Detailed list of all the costs and copies of invoices for the function at Fort Scratchley associated with the Supercars on Saturday November 25 2017. |
Full release of information not subject of consultation |
18/042 | 06/03/2018 | Communication between the Lord Mayor and CEO's Offices on the Council report of December 2017, recommending an increase in Councillor allowances. Regarding the report to Council in December on the increases to Councillors allowances, I request the following:
1. All emails sent and received between the Lord Mayor’s office and CEO/ICEO’s office on the above matter 2. All SMS sent and received between the Lord Mayor’s office and the CEO/ICEO’s office on the above matter 3. Any other communications on the above matter between the Lord Mayor's office and the ICEO/CEO’s office including but not limited to Facebook messenger, Skype etc 4. All emails sent and received between the Lord Mayor’s office and CEO/ICEO’s office and Andrew Baxter on the above matter 5. Any other communications on the above matter between Andrew Baxter, the Lord Mayor’s office and the ICEO/CEO’s office. 6. All emails sent and received between the acting manager Legal and Governance and the Lord Mayor’s office and the CEO/ICEO’s office on the above matter 7. Any other communications on the above matter between the acting manager Legal and Governance and the Lord Mayor’s office and the ICEO/CEO’s office 8. All draft versions of the report on increasing councillor allowances. |
Full release |
18/066 | The information sought is in reference to Nobbys Beach Pavilion upgrade. All correspondence and documents including, without limitation:
1. Internal emails between staff officers 2. Emails or correspondence between the NSW Police Force and Council 3. Emails or correspondence between any professional architect, planner or engineer and Council 4. Plans (including draft or superseded plans) 5. Reports (including expert reports and reports to Council) 6. All other memoranda. But only to the extent that such correspondence or document refers to or touches upon the application by Council of the 'Safer by Design' and 'Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design' (CPTED) principles to the Nobbys Beach Pavilion upgrade. |
Full release | |
18/070 | 14/11/2018 | Any Records entitled or described as 'Supercars Outcomes Report, Supercars Yearly Report, Supercars Outcomes, Supercars Yearly Outcomes' prepared by City of Newcastle (the Council) prepared after the conduct of the Supercars motor racing event held in Newcastle between 24 and 26 November 2017 inclusive (the Event) or any report or document prepared with respect to “Item 26 - NOM 24/10/17 - Independent Event Assessment of the Newcastle 500” as passed by Council on 24 October 2017. | Partial release |
18/075 | 13/08/2018 | Specific detail of the function hosted by the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Nuatali Nelmes, at Fort Scratchley on 25 November 2017.
1. For this request, Records has the same meaning as in the GIPA Act. 2. Records relating to the function hosted by the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Nuatali Nelmes, at Fort Scratchley on 25 November 2017 (the Function), including documents that disclose:
Partial release |
19/008 | 05/09/2018 | Plans or reports for the redevelopment of South Newcastle Skate Park and Skate Bowl:
1. All dimensional plan views available. 2. Any Elevations/profiles that show design levels that will also allow us to determine the proposed height of the structure on the beach. The Coastal Engineering Report for this project. |
Partial release |
20/019 | 06/12/2019 |
Information regarding the City of Newcastle's storage of equipment related to the Newcastle 500 Supercars events: 1. A copy of the lease between CN & UGL 2. A copy of the lease variation 3. A copy of the invoices for the lease and lease variation up to 9/9/2019 (date of GIPA application) 4. Documentation regarding the cost of repairs to the pavement during the period from 1/11/2017 to 31/12/2017 to Ian Rich Asphalt relating to the leased area. |
Partial release |
20/040 | 01/11/2019 |
Information relating to amending Newcastle Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1. PB2017/11177 - request from Councillor Mackenzie 2. Consultation map indicating residents that were notified of exhibition period for PP2016_NEWCA_010_00 (three samples attached) 3. Letter from resident supporting rezoning (pre Dec 2016) referred to in email from S.Masia to B.Holmes 12/12/16 4. Confirmed height of NBN transmission tower 5. Delegations for Mr S.Masia for the period 1 January 2016 - 31 May 2017 6. Delegations for Mr J.Honnef for the period .1 Feb 2017 - 31 July 2019 |
Full release |
20/068 | 18/08/2020 |
I am seeking information in relation to the Stockton beach erosion issue and/or possible solutions as outlined below: 1. Minutes of all internal council meeting regarding the issue from 1/1/2018 to current (24 February 2020 - date of the GIPA application). 2. Minutes of meetings between council staff and /or elected officials and staff from the Department of Planning, industry and Environment regarding the issue from 1/1/2018 to current (24 February 2020). 3. Minutes of meetings between council staff and /or elected officials and staff from the Department of Local Government regarding the issue from 1/1/2018 to current (24 February 2020). 4. A copy of the Stockton Synthesis Report. 5. Any letter/correspondence/ministerial direction this month from Minister Hancock’s office regarding CMP (Coastal Management Program) submissions and council’s responses. 6. Any information from this month (1 to 24 February 2020) detailing advice taken by council regarding directions from Minister Hancock’s office regarding CMP submission, including what the minister can do if her directions are not followed. 7. Any information detailing council’s attempts to request information/reports from external consultants for possible long-term solutions for the issue from 1/1/2018 to 24 February 2020 and any information detailing when those reports/information will be submitted to council. |
Partial release |
20/069 | 25/08/2020 |
I am seeking access to a breakdown of the total project cost of the fit-out of council's new office space-including authority fees, consultancy fees, total construction cost including preliminaries and fixed and loose furniture fittings and equipment. To make it clear, I would like the total project cost and a breakdown of the costs of each category listed above and a breakdown of the items and their costs within the categories listed. Fit-out of council's new office space - Total project cost by categories:
Partial release |
21/011 | 18/09/2020 |
Information regarding fitout of CN's office at 12A Stewart Avenue 1. Access to the total value of each contract or project being managed by project management firm APP 2. The number of projects APP is managing for CN 3. A copy of the monthly report/project control group report/project manager’s monthly report (I understand this type of report is known by different names in the construction industry) for each project being managed by APP from May, June and July 2020 regarding the works the company is managing for CN 4. A copy of the monthly reports (by whatever name) sought in 3 in relation to the works APP is managing for CN related to 12 Stewart Avenue |
Partial release |
21/017 | 10/03/2021 | I am seeking access to the CBRE business case evaluation City of Newcastle had done on moving to new offices. | Partial release |
21/039 | 02/12/2020 |
I am seeking access to a full list of City of Newcastle's assets that were previously (2018-019) included in the asset 'backlog', but have now (2019-20) been removed from the backlog and listed as 'satisfactory', but have not been renewed. I would like a full list of each individual asset, their locations and individual values. |
Full release |
21/034 | 14/01/2021 |
Information related to the King Street Carpark 1. The reports/correspondence of CN staff members from 1 February 2020 that relate to the state of the King Street Carpark (the Carpark) and the trigger for the Carpark being closed. 2. Internal and external engineering report(s) regarding the Carpark from 1 January 2020 to 15 October 2020. 3. Briefing documents and correspondence to and from persons employed in the City of Newcastle's Infrastructure and Property section regarding the Carpark from 1 January 2020 to 15 October 2020. 4. Memos or briefing documents provided to elected councillors regarding the Carpark from 1 January 2020 to 15 October 2020. 5. Correspondence from or to the CEO to persons employed in the Infrastructure and Property section and persons employed in the Communication section regarding the Carpark from 1 January 2020 to 15 October 2020. |
Partial release |
21/083 | 06/05/2021 |
Newcastle City Council Reserve Trust Report by Environmental Property Services See http://enviroproperty.com.au/projects/newcastle-city-council-coastal-reserve-trust. |
Full release |
Last updated 20/02/2025.
Open access information not available under section 6(5) of the GIPA Act
Under section 6(5) of the GIPA Act, CN is required to make a range of "open access" information publicly available, unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information. For example, there may be an overriding public interest against the disclosure of personal information contained in a submission regarding a development application, or sensitive business information.
The record under section 6(5) will be reviewed and updated when required.
- Type of document: Attachment to COUNCIL ASSESSMENT REPORT
- Name of document: "HCCRPP Assessment Report Attachment N – Privileged Information Provided to HCCRPP Confidentially - MA2021-00192 - 1 Laman Street Cooks Hill.pdf"
- General description of the document: legal advice
- Reason for non-disclosure: information subject to legal professional privilege
- Area responsible for the document: Planning Transport & Regulation
- Contact Information of Privacy & information Coordinator – amerle@ncc.nsw.gov.au.
- Type of document: Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Name of document: Stockton Beach Nourishment Review of Environmental Factors for sand placement
- General description of the document: Environmental Assessment for the sand placement at Stockton Beach
- Reason for non-disclosure: 1.Signatures redacted: Protecting signatures against misuse and reducing the risk of identity theft. 2.Aboriginal Heritage Report redacted: Protection of sensitive Aboriginal cultural heritage information within area assessed in Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Area responsible for the document: Project Management Office
- Contact Information of Project Manager - ntimol@ncc.nsw.gov.au
- Type of Document: Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Name of Document: Appendix D Aboriginal Due Diligence Assessment (Biosis, May 2023)
- General description of the document: An assessment of the study area in order to identify whether the area contains any sensitive Aboriginal sites and to inform the relevant parties of their responsibilities with regards to Aboriginal cultural heritage in the area.
- Reason for non-disclosure: Protection of Cultural Intellectual Property of the Awabakal people and LALC within area assessed in REF and surrounding lands.
- Area responsible for the document: Project Management Office
- Contact Information of Privacy & information Coordinator: amerle@ncc.nsw.gov.au
- Type of document: Document provided as part of assessment
- Name of document: "Advice of Condition 69 - 37 Llewellyn Street, Merewether NSW 2291.pdf"
- General description of the document: Legal advice
- Reason for non-disclosure: Information subject to legal professional privilege
- Area responsible for the document: Planning Transport & Regulation
- Contact Information of Privacy & information Coordinator – amerle@ncc.nsw.gov.au.
- Type of Document: Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Name of Document: Longworth Avenue, Wallsend Road Upgrade Works Review of Environmental Factors.
- General description of the document: Environmental Assessment for Longworth Avenue Road Upgrade Works.
- Reason for non-disclosure:
- Signatures redacted: Protecting signatures against misuse and reducing the risk of identity theft.
- Aboriginal Heritage Report redacted: Protection of sensitive Aboriginal cultural heritage information within area assessed in Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Area responsible for the document: Project Management Office
- Contact Information of Project Manager – aaltuneg@ncc.nsw.gov.au
- Type of Document: Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Name of Document: Minmi Road, Wallsend Road Upgrade Works Review of Environmental Factors.
- General description of the document: Environmental Assessment for Longworth Avenue Road Upgrade Works.
- Reason for non-disclosure:
- Signatures redacted: Protecting signatures against misuse and reducing the risk of identity theft.
- Aboriginal Heritage Report redacted: Protection of sensitive Aboriginal cultural heritage information within area assessed in Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
- Area responsible for the document: Project Management Office
- Contact Information of Project Manager – aaltuneg@ncc.nsw.gov.au
Last updated 20/02/2025.