Guraki Aboriginal Standing Committee

The Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee provides strategic advice and guidance with relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues, gives life to Council’s commitment to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of the City of Newcastle and engages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Local Government.

Objectives and Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the Committee are as follows:

  • To give life to Council’s 1998 Commitment to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of the City of Newcastle
  • To provide strategic advice and guidance with relation to Aboriginal matters of cultural and heritage significance
  • To engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Local Government
  • To raise the broad community awareness of Aboriginal culture and themes
  • To provide a united voice for Aboriginal peoples of the City of Newcastle.

The Committee meets a minimum quarterly and includes the members listed below.


Stakeholder representatives

  1. Luke Russell - Wylaa Buuranliyn - Chairperson
  2. Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council
  3. Julie-anne Rose - Awabakal Ltd
  4. Lee Lazarevic - Aboriginal Affairs NSW
  5. Andrew Smith - Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council
  6. Nathan Towney - University of Newcastle

Community representatives

  1. Theressa Dargin
  2. Maree Edwards
  3. Kumarah Kelly
  4. Toni Manton


  1. Councillor Deahnna Richardson
  2. Councillor Winney-Baartz
  3. Councillor Charlotte McCabe


  • Jody Clark, Aboriginal Engagement Partner - Guraki Committee

Meeting Schedule 2024

As per the Guraki Committee Charter - 12.1 the Committee will meet at least four times per year or as otherwise resolved by the Committee.

Meeting dates for 2024 are:

  • Wednesday 28 February 2024
  • Monday 29 April 2024
  • Wednesday 26 June 2024
  • Monday 26 August 2024
  • Wednesday 30 October 2024
  • Monday 25 November 2024

Terms of Reference

Annual Reports


Meeting Agendas 2023

Meeting Minutes 2023

Meeting Agendas 2022

Meeting Minutes 2022

If you would like more information about the Guraki Aboriginal Advisory Committee or have any enquiries please contact Jody Clark, Aboriginal Engagement Partner,

Any person wishing to submit information to the committee may contact the Committee Facilitator by email