Notification and Public Submissions
Development may be advertised and/or notified at the discretion of City of Newcastle (CN) where it is considered appropriate given the nature of the proposal.
The minimum advertising and or notification period for development applications is 14 days.
CN will notify adjoining owners and/or occupiers where it is of the opinion that the use or enjoyment of their land may be detrimentally affected by the proposal.
The Community Participation Plan contains more information on the public participation process.
In forming an opinion to notify adjoining owners and/or occupiers CN will take the impacts on the following matters into consideration:
- Obstruction of views
- Sunlight
- Privacy
- Noise, odour, light or other pollution
- Visual impact, streetscape and local character
- Traffic and access
- Ground levels
- Stormwater and watercourse issues
- Natural and man-made hazards.
The assessment of development applications will consider any submissions made by adjoining owners/occupiers and other interested persons in response to public notification procedures.
All submitters will be notified if the application progresses to public voice and at that time invited to submit an application. This opportunity is called a Public Voice Session.
To make a submission, view CN's Application Tracker or be kept informed on DAs lodged in your local area, visit the Development Information for the Community page.