
Check out your local waterbugs!
Waterbugs are invertebrates that are found in waterways like creeks and wetlands. Not only are waterbugs an important food source for many birds, lizards, fish and other animals, but they also give us a measure of creek or wetland health. This is because some waterbugs are very sensitive to pollution, while others are more tolerant, so if sensitive waterbugs don’t show up in your sample, it may mean that the waterway is experiencing some pollution.
To get started:
- Watch our video on how to collect and identify waterbugs.
- Don’t own a dipnet? Have you got an old broom or broom handle lying around in the garage? Unscrew the broom head from the handle and attach an old sieve with gaffa/duct tape… and there you have a homemade waterbug dipnet.
- Download our ID charts and data sheets – we've got age appropriate data sheets for ages 5 to adult!
- Head down to your local creek and start your waterbug sample!
Fact Sheets
- Ages 5 to 6 years - What are waterbugs?
- Ages 7 to adult - Getting to know your waterbugs
Checklists & Worksheets
- Ages 5 to 6 years - Waterbug checklist
- Ages 7 to 9 years - Waterbug datasheet
- Ages 9 to adult - Waterbug signal datasheet