Citizen of the Year Awards

Picture: 2023 Citizen of the Year Award recipients

Newcastle Citizen of the Year Awards

Each year, we recognise locals who have made an impact on our community and we will need your help to find them! You can nominate a local hero in one of five categories: 

  • Citizen of the Year
  • Young Citizen of the Year
  • Senior Citizen of the Year
  • Community Group of the Year
  • Freeman of the City

Nominations for the 2026 awards will open late 2025.

Nominations can be submitted via the nomination form. Any enquiries can be directed to

Who can be nominated?

  • Nominees can be individuals (or groups where applicable)
  • Nominees must be Australian citizens
  • Awards will not be granted posthumously
  • Self-nominations will not be accepted
  • Nominees must be at least 16 years of age in the year of the award presentation
  • Nominees for the category of Young Citizen of the Year must be 30 years of age or younger
  • Nominees for the category of Senior Citizen of the Year must be 60 years of age or older
  • Sitting state and federal politicians, current vice-regal and elected members of Council are not eligible for nomination
  • Nominees must reside in the Newcastle Local Government Area.

Award Categories

Citizen of the Year

City of Newcastle awards this title to a worthy recipient for a significant achievement or contribution made over the course of the previous year. Contributions made by the individual may bring regional, national or international recognition to the Newcastle area.

Young Citizen of the Year

City of Newcastle awards this title to recognise the outstanding contributions made by young citizens to community life. Contributions made by the individual may bring regional, national or international recognition to the Newcastle area and is open to those aged 30 years or under.

Senior Citizen of the Year

City of Newcastle awards this title to recognise the outstanding contributions made by Novocastrians aged 60 years and over. Contributions made by the individual may bring regional, national or international recognition to the Newcastle area.

Community Group of the Year

City of Newcastle awards this title to recognise significant contributions that community groups or other non-profit organisations within the community have made to the welfare of people, the quality of life, the arts, science, engineering, the environment or other fields of endeavour. The benefits are normally local, but may include regional, national or international benefits that bring credit to the Newcastle area.

Freeman of the City

The honour of Freeman of the City is awarded to individuals who have provided the highest level of service. It may be awarded for achievement and service to Newcastle, Australia or humanity. This award is not presented every year.

Your can view previous award winners here.