Road Occupancy Licence Application

Use this form to apply for a Road Occupancy Licence to occupy space to carry out works on City of Newcastle (CN) road reserve (including roadway, footpath or nature strip) in accordance with the Roads Act 1993.

For more information on Road Occupancy Licences including the supporting documentation required, visit our Road Occupancy Licence information page

Applications must be submitted with all required documentation. Full details of CN's Fees and Charges can be found on our website.

Once your application is lodged, an acknowledgment will be sent to the email address provided. For assessment to commence, payment of the application fee (and late fee where applicable) will need to be received.

*denotes mandatory field

Your Detail
Site Details
eg. 290 King Street, Newcastle
eg. Auckland Street and Burwood Street, Newcastle
Application Details
(Select complex closure if works involve equipment used for lifting and/or includes two or more streets)
eg. Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Supporting Documentation
Please ensure all supporting documents provided meet the requirements listed on our Road Occupancy Licence page.

Please upload large files as a compressed zip, all supporting documents must not exceed a total of 20MB.

Privacy Statement

Purpose: We will use the information to the assess the Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) application.

Intended recipients: Authorised officers contributing to the assessment of the ROL, including and not limited to City of Newcastle Officers and other government agencies.

Supply: The information provided is required to assess the application.

Consequence of non-provision: It is the individual's discretion whether to lodge a ROL application.

Storage and security: Information will be stored in accordance with City of Newcastle’s Records Management Policy.

Access: Contact us by phone on (02) 4974 2000 or attend the City Administration Centre.