Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 22 September 2020
22 Sept 2020
Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 22 September 2020. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions, please see the Council Meeting Minutes and/or webcast archive for more information.
Lord Mayoral Minutes
Ensuring COVID-safe beaches for Newcastle
A Lord Mayoral Minute was supported to join with Local Government NSW in calling on the NSW Government to provide support to the Newcastle Local Government Area, including the development of a COVID Communications Strategy and Campaign and funding to support COVID-Safe marshals at our beaches, to ensure Newcastle’s beaches and open spaces remain safe throughout summer.
The minute further committed to writing to the Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, calling on the NSW Government to fund COVID-safe marshals at our City beaches.
Ordinary business
Adoption of Code of Conduct and associated procedures
Council resolved to adopt an amended Code of Conduct for Councillors, staff, Council committee members, delegates of Council and Council advisors respectively and procedures for the administration of the Code of Conduct.
Endorsement of motions for submission to the 2020 Local Government NSW Annual Conference
Council resolved to endorse motions for submission to the 2020 Local Government NSW Annual Conference.
The Junction to Merewether cycleway
Council voted to approve five of the proposed traffic changes associated with The Junction to Merewether cycleway project and request that community consultation is undertaken as part of the Transport for NSW process for the proposed reduction in speed limit.
Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund
Council endorsed, in principle, an inclusive playspace and waterplay area at Foreshore Park to be City of Newcastle’s nominated project for the Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund for 2020.
Night-time Economy Trial - DPIE public exhibition
Council voted to support a controlled trial of amended late-night trading hours of operation conditions on specific and targeted low-impact and low-risk venues in the Newcastle City Centre to promote the activation and recovery of the Newcastle night-time economy. Council endorsed a temporary amendment to the Newcastle Local Environment Plan to facilitate the trial.
Council also endorsed extending the trial to 12 months, to provide certainty to participants and the community, noting the gradual return of business as part of the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Adoption of the Blackbutt Village, Orchardtown Road, New Lambton, Local Centre Public Domain and Traffic Plan
Council voted to adopt the Blackbutt Village Orchardtown Road, New Lambton, Public Domain and Traffic Plan.
Public exhibition of draft Planning Agreement - 73-79 Railway Lane, Wickham
Council voted to place the draft Planning Agreement for 73 - 79 Railway Lane, Wickham on public exhibition for 28 days and consider a report back to Council following the public exhibition period.
Executive monthly performance report
Council received the Executive Monthly Performance Report for August 2020.
Organisational change
Council resolved to approve an organisational change to relocate the Customer Experience Service Unit from the City Wide Services Directorate to the Strategy and Engagement Directorate.
Sale of part 63 Wallsend Road, Sandgate
Council voted to sell part of 63 Wallsend Road, Sandgate to the adjoining landowner and grant authority to the Chief Executive Officer or his delegate to execute all relevant documentation to effect the transaction. Proceeds from the sale be allocated to City of Newcastle’s ‘Works Program: Specific Projects’.
Tender report - South Newcastle Beach skatepark
Council voted to accept a tender for the construction of a skate park at South Newcastle Beach.
Notices of Motion
City of Newcastle and Ube City Sister City 40th anniversary
Council adopted a notice of motion to recognise that 21 November 2020 marks the 40th anniversary of City of Newcastle’s Sister City Sister City Affiliation with Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. The motion called for an appropriate civic gift such as a commemorative booklet to be prepared and sent to Ube City Mayor Kimiko Kubota, Newcastle schools and be available at our Libraries, the Newcastle Museum and Newcastle Visitor Information Centre to recognise the importance of the ongoing relationship.
Wickham School of Arts - State Heritage listing
Council adopted a notice of motion to call on the NSW Government to list the former Wickham School of Arts Building on the State Heritage Register to protect this significant historical asset, following Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation’s (HCCDC) public declaration that they have no intention of demolishing the building.
Council also endorsed seeking written assurances from HCCDC that it has no plans to demolish the building and working with the NSW Government to develop a plan for the building and the surrounding site, which would see the structure repaired and refurbished for a future adaptive reuse and the adjacent land preserved as green space for public recreation and for enhancing the city’s connections with the harbour.
Making parking easy
Council adopted a notice of motion to amend the surcharge on the EasyPark App so that the total cost is no greater than paying via credit card at a physical parking meter, ensuring equity across the contactless payment methods.
Fort Scratchley and Fort Scratchley Historical Society
Council supported a notice of motion to recognise and acknowledge the historical and cultural importance of Fort Scratchley; as well as the work undertaken by the Fort Scratchley Historical Society (FSHS). A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between City of Newcastle and FSHS will be drafted to recognise the importance of Fort Scratchley to the people of Newcastle and commit to the ongoing support of the historical society. The MOU will be brought back to Council for endorsement.
One-hour free parking trial on Hunter Street
A notice of motion that called for a trial of one-hour free parking in Hunter Street in response to a petition signed by more than 658 residents was not supported by Council.
An amended motion that promoted an evidence-based discussion about parking via City of Newcastle’s upcoming Parking Plan and engagement was supported by Council.
Management of ammonium nitrate stockpiles
A notice of motion to request a briefing from Orica, Crawfords and the regulatory authorities (the NSW EPA and Safe Work NSW) on current and proposed safety and risk management measures associated with the production, storage and transport of ammonium nitrate was supported by Council.
The motion also supported writing to the Minister responsible for SafeWork NSW, Minister Anderson, and the Minister responsible for the EPA, Minister Kean, seeking assurances that the regulation of Orica and Crawfords meets world’s best practice.
Update on smart drumline trials in Newcastle
Council supported a notice of motion to request a briefing from the NSW Department of Primary Industries on the outcomes of the trials of Shark Management Alert in Real Time (SMART) drumlines undertaken across Newcastle beaches in 2019.