Ironbark Creek Rehabilitation

The award-winning rehabilitation of Ironbark Creek is continuing, with the latest stage now complete. This stage focused on 350 metres of creek line from Croudace Road, Elermore Vale to Lewis Street Oval, Wallsend.
The project has worked to renaturalise the channel, replacing weeds with thousands of suitable native plants on the creek banks; and installing rockwork to better protect the creek as well as public and private assets.
The work will produce an environmentally friendly watercourse which will improve flows and help make the creek and floodplain behave in more predictable ways during major floods. It will include maintenance access to the channel near Croudace Road for debris removal, for example after floods. The project will also improve our local tree canopy corridors and habitat making the area friendlier for native plants, birds and animals.
This stage, which was completed in June 2023 extends more than a decade of previously successful, award-winning work for Ironbark Creek (wider catchment pictured below) - from Elermore Vale Park downstream to Wallsend Park, where the creek flows into a Hunter Water channel.
The next stages are currently in the design phase and will integrate with Wallsend Stormwater infrastructure upgrade works. Keep updated on the Delivering for Wallsend page.
To find out more, visit Our Catchments and Watercourses