Illegal Earthworks
City Of Newcastle has joined forces with other Hunter and Central Coast Councils to target illegal earthworks (cutting and filling).
A campaign is underway to raise the awareness of residents and businesses of the risks that unapproved earthworks can pose to properties and the environment.
By talking to Council before undertaking earthworks, residents can ensure that correct approvals are obtained and risks are managed such as:
- Flooding
- Property devaluing
- Pollution to waterways
- Contaminated fill
- Damaged vegetation
Further information on earthworks and consent requirements can be found in the following factsheet:
Earthworks- Do You Need Approval (pdf)
As part of the regional earthworks campaign earthmoving businesses are being reminded of their legal responsibilities to protect the environment.
Information on ways earthmovers can protect the environment when undertaking earthworks can be found in the following factsheet:
Best Practice Earthmoving (pdf)
For more information on earthworks please contact Council’s Customer Enquiry Centre on 02 4974 2000.