Public Swimming Pools and Spa Pools
Public swimming pools and spa pools are pools to which the public are admitted, whether free of charge, on payment of a fee or otherwise.
This includes pools that are:
- for use as an entitlement of membership of a club,
- provided at a workplace for the use of employees,
- provided at a hotel, motel or guest house or at holiday units, or similar facility, for the use of guests,
- provided at a school or hospital.
It does not include a pool situated at a private residential premises, unless that pool is used for commercial purposes (e.g. swimming lessons).
Notification Requirements
Notification must be given to City of Newcastle (CN) of all public swimming pools and spa pools. To notify CN of your public swimming pool and/or spa pool, please complete our Public Swimming Pool and Spa Pool Notification Form.
It is an offence for the occupier of a premises where a public pool is situated to allow a person to use a public pool without submitting the above notification form to CN.
Note: This notification form relates to swimming pool water quality under the Public Health Act and Regulation. It is separate to Swimming Pool Requirements under the Swimming Pools Act.
Inspections of public swimming pool and spa pools are carried out a number of times per year to ensure compliance with Schedule 1 of the Public Health Regulation 2022. For information on inspection fees, please refer to our fees and charges.
If you require any further information, please contact our Planning, Tranpsort and Regulation team on 02 4974 2000 or visit NSW Health.