Our Menu

The Centre provides a balanced diet for the children each day in line with ‘Good for Kids Good for Life’.
- Morning tea is at 9.10am for Ducklings, 9.30am for Koalas and 10am for preschoolers.
- Lunch is at 11am for Ducklings, 11.20am for Koalas and 12noon for Preschoolers
The centre operates on a four weekly rotating menu and this is available for viewing in the dining area of the centre at any time. The centre has water available at all times for children to drink. View a sample menu (pdf)
For the babies in the Ducklings room, we also provide rusks and fresh pureed baby foods between meals and as required for the individual nutritional needs of this age group. If for any reason your child cannot eat certain foods, please note this on your enrolment form and complete a special diet form to ensure that we serve your child appropriate food.
Please ensure that any food allergies are noted on your enrolment form and a separate Allergy Form.
The Centre offers variety and choice in each day’s menu. We are not able to cook separate meals for fussy eaters. We will, however, ensure that children with specific dietary or medical requirements or cultural beliefs are provided with suitable food as per the special diet form.