Strategy and Innovation Strategic Advisory Committee
Strategic Advisory Committees have been established to provide advice to the elected Council on matters of strategic significance, and to provide advice to City of Newcastle on implementation of relevant matters aligned to the Newcastle 2040 Community Strategic Plan. Strategic Advisory Committees may make recommendations to Council or a Committee of Council.
The Strategy and Innovation Strategic Advisory Committee will provide advice and guidance on the formation, development, refinement and implementation of strategies, and identification of challenges and opportunities, in relation to the economic development and diversification of Newcastle as a destination leading in innovative technologies, climate action, smart infrastructure, high value investment, and major events and tourism. Continue the implementation of strategies and advocacy emanating from the Lord Mayor's City Taskforce in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure the city's continued economic recovery.
The Committee is facilitated by our Strategy and Engagement Directorate. Membership of the Committee includes:
- Cr Declan Clausen - Chairperson
- Cr Jenny Barrie - Deputy Chairperson
- Cr Mark Brooker - Councillor representative
- Stakeholder Representatives - David Toll from University of Newcastle, Bob Hawes from Hunter Business Chamber, Justin Page from Hunter Jobs Alliance, Samantha Marsh from Regional NSW
- Community Representatives - Prem Chand, Michela Redaelli and James Scott
The Committee is guided by the:
- Terms of Reference
- Guidelines for Meeting Practice - Standing Committees and Strategic Advisory Committees
Meeting Schedule - 2025
1 April 2025
Meeting Agendas
Meeting papers will be uploaded one week prior to the meeting.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes will be available following endorsement by the Committee.