Committee Meetings
Public Voice Committee
Public Voice sessions provide an opportunity for members of the public to make presentations to the Council on Development Applications that are to be determined at a future meeting by CN's Development Applications Committee.
Briefing Committee
Public Briefing sessions provide an opportunity for members of the public to make short presentation relating to significant issues of a general, strategic or policy nature relevant to CN's functions, facilities or services. Public Briefing sessions are not for DAs but can include matters relating to Planning Proposals.
Note: Public Voice and Briefing Committees are not decision-making bodies of Council.
Please refer to Public Voice and Public Briefings for further information.
Development Applications Committee
The Local Government Act 1993 (Act), and other relevant legislation, authorises Council to undertake a range of functions by way of delegations and authorisations.
The Development Applications Committee, which is a committee of the whole established by Council under section 260 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (NSW) has the delegated authority to determine development applications under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) (subject to limitations in Schedule 1) and certain conditions.
Please refer to the current Delegations and Authorisations assigned by the elected Council.