Road Closures

This page includes information regarding full and partial road closures on major Council controlled local roads, full and partial road closures which may affect or impact major roads and full and partial road closures on minor roads which are of extended duration.

We make every effort to ensure disruptions to traffic, businesses, pedestrians and residents are minimised during works.

Please note that road closure applicants have a duty as part of the conditions of their permit to notify affected businesses and residents of the upcoming works usually at least three (3) business days prior to works commencing.

Planned road closures

In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, the below are planned street closures:

Macquarie Street, Mayfield
Glebe Road Intersection Upgrade
Longworth Avenue, Wallsend
Watt Street, Newcastle
Hunter Street, Newcastle West

See “Related links” for road closure information from other sources concerning works not listed here. 

For real-time traffic updates, roadwork information and event closure details, visit

For general information about the range of projects City of Newcastle is delivering visit our Projects and Works page.