
Using our Street Tree Selection Matrix we narrow the suitable species down to two options suited for each site.

The species available are shown below. Please complete the below form by Friday 2 June 2024.

Trees available for selection:

Selections are currently closed. For information on potential future sites for planting, please see our Tree Map below.

Nyssa sylvatica

TREE SIZE A fine textured tree with a straight trunk and characteristically horizontal branches. Estimated height 8 to 12 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Shiny, dark green elliptic leaves. Autumn colour can range from fluorescent yellow to orange or scarlet.

FEATURES Nyssa grows in a wide range of conditions however grows best on well-drained, light textured soils.

Blueberry Ash
Elaeocarpus reticulatus

TREE SIZE Estimated height up to 8 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Foliage is a deep luscious green and dense making it ideal for shade and privacy. Bright blue olive-shaped fruits produced in Autumn and Winter and Spring.

FEATURES A hardy evergreen. Flowers and fruits often appear at the same time and are a key attractive feature. Attracts fruit-eating birds. Masses of white-pinkish delicate flowers appear in Spring and Summer.

Broad-leaved Lilly Pilly
Acmena hemilampra

TREE SIZE Can be a medium to large tree, although expected to grow to around 8m in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT New leaves are copper in colour before turning to glossy green. Flowers are small and creamy white and appear in spring. White berries follow flowers in autumn.

FEATURES A mid-size tree, dense canopy that supports high bird and insect diversity. Tolerant of a range of conditions but requires adequate soil drainage.


Brush Box
Lophostemon confertus

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height 12 to 15 metres and canopy width 6 to 8 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy, dark-green leaves. Small white flowers and a bell shaped fruit.

FEATURES An excellent long lived street and shade tree, it is hardy and robust and is adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions. This tree has minimal maintenance requirements.


‘Chanticleer’ Callery Pear
Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height 8 to 12 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Bright green leaves changing from gold through scarlet to orange during Autumn.

FEATURES Excellent street and shade tree. Hardy, robust and adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions. This tree has minimal maintenance requirements.


Cheese Tree
Glochidion ferdinandi

TREE SIZE Estimated height 8 to 12 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres. Dome shaped canopy.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Leaf blade is soft and thin, green and glossy above, paler below. Small greenish/yellow clustered flowers October - November. Seed capsules resemble round cheese.

FEATURES An excellent long lived street and shade tree. It is hardy and robust and is adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions.


Chinese Elm
Ulmus parvifolia

TREE SIZE Estimated height 8 to 12 metres and canopy width 6 to 8 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy dark green leaves which turn yellow before falling in Winter. Inconspicuous flowers.

FEATURES A small to medium sized, semi-deciduous tree. Bark exfoliates in patches, revealing beautiful mottled colours of grey, green, orange and brown. Provides great shade during the hot Summer months.


Chinese Pistachio
Pistacia chinensis

TREE SIZE Deciduous tree with an estimated height of less than 8 metres and round shaped canopy 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Dark green leaves that turn to brilliant Autumn colours of yellow, orange and scarlet. Inconspicuous green flowers followed by bluish berries.

FEATURES This tree makes a beautiful street and shade tree with its seasonal colour changes. It adapts to a range of soil types and has a high drought tolerance with no obvious signs of stress in a dry Summer.


Coastal Banksia
Banksia integrifolia

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height less than 8 metres and dome shaped canopy width 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Leathery leaves, dark green on upper surface and bright silver below. 12cm long, spikey and pale yellow flowers. Woody ornamental seedheads.

FEATURES A hardy and robust street tree that is tolerant to dry sandy soil and coastal winds.


Crows Ash
Flindersia australis

TREE SIZE Estimated height 12 to 15 metres with a dome shaped crown 8 to 10 metres wide.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy green leaves crowded towards the end of branches. White to cream flowers occur mainly in Spring. Flowers are followed by woody capsules that spilt open to reveal the winged seeds.

FEATURES A hardy native tree that can tolerate a range of conditions.


Dwarf Apple Gum
Angophora hispida

TREE SIZE Estimated height up to 8 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT A small evergreen producing new pink leaves, gradually changing to deep green and leathery. Distinct dry, woody fruit capsule.

FEATURES Young trees have flaky orange/brown trunks that turn grey/brown when mature. Creamy flowers appear from late spring through to summer and are bird attracting. Tiny reddish hairs cover new branches.


Eastern Redbud
Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’

TREE SIZE Estimated height 3 to 4 metres and canopy width of 3 to 4 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Known for brilliant dark purple foliage turning red, orange and yellow in the Autumn. A deciduous species. Loses its heart- shaped leaves in Autumn.

FEATURES Drought and heat tolerant. Features bright, showy pink/ purple flowers along bare branches in Spring. A compact tree used as specimen plantings.


Firewheel Tree
Stenocarpus sinuatus

TREE SIZE Estimated height 8 - 12 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy dark green foliage. Large bright orange-red flowers that grow in a circular formation in the summer months. Seed pods are velvety brown.

FEATURES This hardy tree makes a beautiful street and shade tree with its vibrant summer flowers. Well adapted to a variety of conditions but thrives in moist, well drained soil.


Golden Penda
Xanthostemon chrysanthus

TREE SIZE Can be a small to medium tree, although expected to grow to around 8m in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Spectacular masses of dense yellow flower heads appear in late summer and autumn. New leaves are reddish in colour, transforming into dark green on maturity.

FEATURES A stunning small rainforest tree with a bushy canopy. Golden yellow flowers provide attractive contrast to dark foliage. Bird and insect attracting. Can withstand a range of conditions. Very hardy.


Gordonia axillaris

TREE SIZE Estimated height up to 8 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy dark green leaves. Fruit is a dry capsule.

FEATURES Has a dome-shaped canopy and in Autumn and winter produces large white flowers containing yellow stamens which resemble ‘fried eggs’. Ideal as a street shade tree due to its lush foliage.


Grey Myrtle
Backhousia myrtifolia

TREE SIZE A typically small tree, expected to grow to around 5m in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Small creamy star-shaped flowers appear in summer. New leaves are light green and darken with age to a glossy deep green.

FEATURES A small native rainforest tree with flay bark native to eastern Australia. Leaves have a cinnamon scent. Grey myrtle can tolerate dry periods and its leafy dense canopy provides good shade.


Ivory Curl Tree
Buckinghamia celsissima

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height less than 8 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres. Spectacular sprays of fragrant, cream flowers in Summer.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy dark green leaves with new growth flushed red.

FEATURES A hardy tree that will grow in full sun to partial shade. Adaptable to most soils and will produce bird attractant nectar.

Japanese Zelkova
Zelkova serrata ‘Green Vase’

TREE SIZE Estimated height 12 to 15 metres and crown width 8 to 10 metres. Narrow dome shaped canopy.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Oblong shaped leaves with serrated leaf margins. Oval shaped fruit and inconspicuous, non-showy flowers.

FEATURES A fast growing deciduous tree. Japanese Zelcova matures to a graceful, uniform V-shaped tree with distinctive bark and foliage that turn from a dark green in Summer to an array of colours ranging from soft yellows and rusty reds in Autumn.


Jerilerie Red
Brachychiton populneus x acerifolius

TREE SIZE An attractive evergreen tree with a wide canopy that grows to around 8 metres tall and 7 metres wide in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT During the summer months, the tree is densely packed with stunning powdery-red flowers that are shaped like small bells.

FEATURES This evergreen tree has a round canopy shape and can be used as a feature tree. It has a bloated trunk and large lobed leaves.


Lemon Myrtle
Backhousia citriodora

TREE SIZE Estimated height up to 8 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Leaves are a bright glossy green and have a strong lemon scent when crushed. Young foliage is reddish in colour. Fruit is a nut-like capsule.

FEATURES A native rainforest species, medium sized tree producing attractive masses of creamy flowers in Spring and Autumn.

Low-fruiting Olive
Olea europea

TREE SIZE Estimated height 6 to 8 metres and canopy width of 3 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT A fruitless variety. Olive green slender leaves with a silvery underside.

FEATURES Hardy and long- lived. Tolerates dry periods and most soil types. Bark is light grey.

Red Beach Hibiscus
Hibiscus tiliaceus ‘Rubra’

TREE SIZE A typically small tree, expected to grow to around 6m in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Produces interesting heart shaped leaves that are maroon when young, and turn deep green on maturity. Large flowers are yellow with a maroon centre.

FEATURES A hardy native that tolerates high winds, coastal conditions and poor drainage. Has a low broad canopy ideal for providing shade.


Red-flowering Ironbark
Eucalyptus sideroxylon “Rosea”

TREE SIZE Can be a medium to large tree, although expected to grow to around 15 metres in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Clusters of stunning pinky-red flowers produced in winter to early spring. Small woody fruit capsules follow flowering. Foliage is blue-grey green mix in colour.

FEATURES A native endemic to eastern Australia. Has distinct dark brown/black coloured bark which has deep furrows and does not shed. The bark provides contrast to the foliage. A great habitat tree for native fauna.


Smooth Leaved Quandong
Elaeocarpus eumundi

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height 8 to 12 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres with a columnar shape.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Broad shiny green foliage and egg shaped fruit. Sweet scented cream flowers that grow in late Spring to early Summer.

FEATURES This native tree loves full sun, is low shedding and makes a beautiful shade tree with its vibrant Summer flowers. Well adapted to a variety of conditions, resistant to some pollution and thrives in well drained loamy or sandy soil.


Eucalyptus microcorys

TREE SIZE Estimated height 15 to 20 metres and canopy width of 6 to 8 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Glossy dark green foliage. Small woody fruit capsules.

FEATURES Fibrous, soft, orange-brown stringy bark on trunk. Creamy masses of flowers in Spring, attracting nectar/pollen eating birds and insects.


Cupaniopsis anacardioides

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height less than 8 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Dark green leathery leaves up to 12cm long. Attractive orange capsules in Summer.

FEATURES A hardy and robust street tree that is adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions. Endemic to the area. Tolerant of salt and wind exposure.


Harpulia pendula

TREE SIZE A medium, dome shaped canopy. Estimated height up to 8 metres and canopy width 6 to 8 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Pinnate leaves with glossy green leaflets that are pale underneath. Fragrant yellow flowers appear in Spring, followed by small red or yellow fruit in Winter.

FEATURES This native tree makes a lovely street and shade tree. Hardy, robust and adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions. This tree has minimal maintenance requirements.


Urbanite Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Urbanite’

TREE SIZE Estimated height 6 to 10 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT New red-pink foliage turn green upon maturity. Flower spikes give way to reveal the small woody fruit capsule.

FEATURES A native with a weeping habit. Creamy small bottle brush shaped flowers in late Spring/early Summer. Flowers attract nectar eating birds. Papery bark a key characteristic of this tree.

Waratah-Tree.jpgWaratah Tree
Alloxylon flammeum

TREE SIZE Can be a small to large tree, although expected to grow to around 10m in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Dark glossy elongated leaves. Flowers appear in spring and early summer and occur in clusters. Bright red flowers are spectacular and are the characteristic shape of waratah flowers.

FEATURES A stunning native rainforest tree that provides habitat for insects and birds. Tolerant of a wide range of conditions, the Tree Waratah is an ideal street tree due to its high biodiversity value and dense shade providing canopy.


Tristaniopsis laurina

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height < 8 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Dark green on top and pale underneath. Small yellow flowers and small round fruit capsules.

FEATURES An indigenous compact street and shade tree. It is hardy and robust and is adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions, including planting under wires.


Watergum ‘Luscious’
Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Luscious’

TREE SIZE Variable size. Estimated height < 8 metres and canopy width 3 to 6 metres with a dome shape.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Large leaves, dark green on top and pale underneath. Flushes of shiny copper new growth. Small yellow flowers and small round fruit capsules.

FEATURES A native street and shade tree. It is hardy and robust and is adaptable to a wide range of urban conditions.

Wilga Wilga
Geijera parviflora

TREE SIZE A typically small tree, expected to grow to around 6m in Newcastle’s urban environment.

LEAVES AND FRUIT Leaves are glossy green, elongated and have an interesting scent. Small white flowers appear in winter through to spring. Produces a spherical small green fruit.

FEATURES With its weeping habit, this tree is also known as the Australian willow and is very useful as a shade tree. Scaly brown/ grey bark. Provides important habitat for pollinating insects.

Willow Bottlebrush
Callistemon salignus

TREE SIZE Estimated height 6 to 10 metres and canopy width of 3 to 6 metres.

LEAVES AND FRUIT New red-pink foliage turn green upon maturity. Flower spikes give way to reveal the small woody fruit capsule.

FEATURES A native with a weeping habit. Creamy small bottle brush shaped flowers in late Spring/early Summer. Flowers attract nectar eating birds. Papery bark a key characteristic of this tree.

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Tree Selection

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Protecting your privacy: City of Newcastle is committed to protecting your privacy. We take appropriate steps to comply with relevant legislation and Council policy.

Purpose of collecting personal details: Council is collecting this information to determine the local community’s choice for future street tree planting.

Intended recipients: Information provided as part of the consultation will be used to determine what tree species will be planted outside specific properties where street tree planting has been identified as suitable.

Storage and security: Information provided will be stored on Council's database and will be subject to Council’s information and privacy policies.

Access: Individuals can access data to check accuracy by contacting the City of Newcastle.