Waste and Recycling A-Z
Unsure of what to do with a particular household waste? Our A to Z guide provides information on the best way to recycle or dispose of common household items.
While information is provided for some common business-related wastes, businesses are encouraged to visit Business Recycling for the most up-to-date information for their needs.
City of Newcastle provides information here to disseminate information for the benefit of the public and recommend users exercise their skill and care. It is made available for general personal use only and City of Newcastle, its officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information contained is accurate and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Paper and cardboard advertising material should be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. Please remove plastic wrapping and magnets first. The plastic windows in envelopes don't need to be removed.
Place empty aerosol cans in your yellow lid recycling bin. Leave the can intact (do not pierce or squash it). Take off the plastic lid and place both the can and lid in your recycling bin.
Aerosol cans that still contain product should be taken to a Household Chemical CleanOut event or to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Air conditioners
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher, otherwise disposal fees apply.
Air conditioners that have been professionally degassed by a qualified technician may be placed on the kerbside for collection through our booked kerbside bulk waste collection service.
Some scrap metal merchants may accept air conditioners for recycling.
Air compressors
Air compressor canisters that are empty and have had the valve removed can be dropped off at Summerhill Waste Management Centre at no charge through our scrap metal recycling program.
Air compressors still under pressure can't be accepted at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Contact a scrap metal recycler for disposal.
Metal aerosol cans
Place empty metal aerosol cans in your yellow lid recycling bin. Leave the can intact (do not pierce or squash it). Take off the plastic lid and place both the can and lid in your recycling bin.
Aerosol cans that still contain product should be taken to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Plastic bottles
Empty plastic bottles can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Plug in air fresheners and refills
Plug-in air fresheners can be recycled through Terracycle.
Hanging air fresheners
Place in red lid general waste bin.
Cans (food/drink)
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Clean aluminium foil can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. Scrunch into a tennis ball size first to ensure it can be recycled.
Dirty foil should be placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin. Remove food scraps and liquid first.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Ammunition is a dangerous hazard to both the community and the environment. Under no circumstances should any form of ammunition be placed in any kerbside or public place bin.
Unwanted ammunition can be handed in at any police station or arms dealer for correct disposal.
Animal droppings, such as dog faeces and kitty litter, should be placed in your red lid general waste bin. Please wrap kitty litter in a plastic bag or paper prior to disposal.
Pet waste worm farms and composters are available to purchase from some hardware stores and online retailers.
Dead animals, including domestic pets, are accepted at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and charges apply. For the disposal of dead livestock or large animals please refer to the procedures outlined in the Special or Offensive Wastes factsheet, which includes booking prior to arrival.
Please be advised that dead animals received at Summerhill are buried with other wastes on-site using heavy machinery. For pet funeral and related burial services, please contact a veterinary practice or pet cemetery.
Deceased animals, such as cats and dogs, found on the road or or in a public place should be reported for removal by Council by calling 02 4974 2000. Council does not provide a service for removing deceased animals from private property; alternate arrangements will need to be made.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Small household appliances (e.g., TVs, kettles, toasters, hair dryers) are considered electronic waste (e-waste). Newcastle residents can take e-waste to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for free disposal; maximum of 10 items per visit and proof of residency required.
For fridges, freezers and larger appliances such as dishwashers, ovens and dryers see white goods.
Asbestos should NOT be placed in any kerbside bin, public place bin or mixed with other wastes.
There are very specific requirements for the handling and disposal of asbestos due to the significant health risk to you, our community and the environment if not disposed of correctly.
Asbestos can be disposed of safely at Summerhill Waste Management Centre, however, you must contact us on 4974 2000 at least 24 hours prior to bringing the asbestos to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. If you don't contact us and don't comply with the specific conditions for the safe disposal of asbestos, we will be unable to accept your waste.
Residents can use a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher to bring up to 100kg of asbestos to Summerhill Waste Management Centre at no charge. If you don't have a voucher or have more than 100kg Fees and Charges will apply.
To find out all terms and conditions for asbestos disposal visit our Asbestos Disposal Factsheet.
Ashes should be bagged and placed in your red lid general waste bin once cold. Do not place hot ashes in your bin
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Batteries should NOT be placed in any household bin, as they can start fires in collection trucks or at processing facilities. Please see Batteries for drop-off locations.
Empty cosmetic jars (plastic and glass) can be recycled in your yellow lid recycling bin. Remove plastic lids from glass jars and place both in your recycling bin.
For other beauty products or containers with product still in them, visit Terracycle for recycling options or place in your red lid general waste bin.
Donate or sell if in good condition.
Newcastle Push Bike Library accept donations of bikes.
Bicycles can be placed on the kerbside for collection through our booked bulk waste collection service.
They can also be brought to Summerhill Waste Management Centre and dropped off at no cost either as free scrap metal or via our bulk waste self-haul voucher service.
E-bikes and E-bike batteries can be brought to Summerhill Waste Management Centre and dropped off at no cost.Please see batteries for more information on embedded batteries.
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program. Biscuit packets should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin unless contained within a registered Curby recycling bag.
Take to a supermarket that collects soft plastics for recycling.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents; proof of residency required).
Blister packs containing medication can be dropped off at any local pharmacy. Please see Unwanted medicines for more information.
Donate or sell if in good condition. Consider donating to a local book library
Place in yellow lid recycling bin
Place glass and plastic bottles in your yellow lid recycling bin. Separate lids from bottles.
Many bottles can be taken to a Return and Earn recycling station for a 10c refund.
Bottles can also be taken to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents if pre-sorted prior to arrival on site; proof of residence required).
Donate or sell if in good condition. Place in red lid general waste bin.
Plastic and paper bowls
Scrape off food and place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Biocane or sugar cane bowls
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Branches less than 10cm in diameter
Place in your green lid garden organics bin.
Small branches can be bundled together and placed on the kerbside for a booked bulk waste collection service.
Branches larger than 10cm in diameter
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher otherwise Fees apply.
Tree stumps
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees apply.
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program. Bubble wrap should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin unless contained within a registered Curby recycling bag.
Take to a supermarket that accepts soft plastics for recycling.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents; proof of residency required).
Commercial customers
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Place in yellow lid recycling bin. Flatten boxes to make more space in your bin
For bulk quantities, take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents, conditions apply)
Commercial customers
If your business regularly has large quantities of paper and cardboard to recycle, visit Business Recycling to find a recycling service.
Paper and cardboard can be taken to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Carpet can be disposed through our bulk waste service. You can book a kerbside collection or choose a self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Paid disposal at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and minimum charges apply.
To safely dispose of car bodies and car parts, search under Auto Wreckers and Recyclers in the Yellow Pages. You could also contacting a local scrap metal merchant or second hand dealer to ask if they are interested in salvaging metal and spare parts.
For the safe disposal of other car-related products, see:
- Batteries
- Summerhill Community Recycling Centre (for motor oil)
- See also Motor Oil within this A-Z guide for other motor oil disposal options
- Household Chemical CleanOut (for other motor fluids e.g. coolant)
CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes (not the cases)
Sell or donate if still in good condition.
CDs and DVDs can be recycled at most Officeworks or place in you red lid general waste bin.
CD, DVD and VHS cases
Place empty CD, DVD and VHS cases in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program. Cellophane should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin unless contained within a registered Curby recycling bag.
Take to a supermarket that accepts soft plastics for recycling.
Household, hobby and garden chemical containers (plastic)
Empty plastic chemical containers should be triple rinsed and placed in your yellow lid recycling bin
Chemical containers that contain product should be taken to a Household Chemical CleanOut event
Chemical drums
Chemical drums used for agricultural or veterinary purposes should be taken to a national drumMUSTER event
Commercial customers
Commercial customers can use drumMuster for accepted containers, otherwise contact a hazardous waste collection company.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and charges apply.
Please note:
Residents who take fill onto their property, either for free or for a payment, could be accepting contaminated material and are at risk of devaluing their property and damaging the environment.
Before importing any fill products, you should contact City of Newcastle to find out if you need approval. If our Officers find that fill has been imported illegally onto your property, they will take appropriate action. In some cases this may include orders to clean up the affected area, substantial fines or prosecution.
City of Newcastle can also provide information to residents on ways to avoid receiving contaminated fill and protect their property during earthworks. Please see Illegal Earthworks for more information
Donate or sell if in good condition.
Please don't leave donations outside store fronts or clothing donation bins as it costs charities thousands of dollars each year to dispose of these items.
Place in red lid general waste bin if in poor condition.
Takeaway coffee cups
Paper cups can't be recycled via your kerbside bin service and should be placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Lids can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. Please note that the sorting technology at the recycling facility is unlikely to detect black lids on black conveyor belts, and they will most likely pass through into the waste stream.
Simply Cups offers a free specialised recycling program where you can can drop off paper cups at 7-Eleven stores and other participating locations. Lids are also accepted at 7-Eleven stores only.
To help reduce waste, use a reusable coffee cup wherever possible.
Coffee pods and capsules
A new national product stewardship scheme, called PodCycle, is being established for all Australians that collects and recycles all types and brands of coffee pods.
Please visit Recycling Near You for current recycling options.
Coffee grounds
Place in your red lid general waste bin. Coffee grounds can also be placed in a compost bin or worm farm.
Compact fluoro globes
Take to a Community Recycling Station, Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event
Compact fluoro tubes
Take to the Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Broken globes and tubes should be wrapped in paper and placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our free electronic waste (e-waste) program (max. 10 items per visit).
Take to Officeworks for recycling.
Commercial customers
Fees and charges apply for commercial customers.
Construction and demolition waste should not be placed in any of your kerbside bins. A large proportion of this waste can be diverted for reuse and recycling, including bricks, concrete, clean wood and green waste.
You can dispose of construction and demolition waste at Summerhill Waste Management Centre (Fees apply).
Take to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Small amounts of kitchen fats and oils can be poured into a container; sealed and placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Households fats and oils should never be poured down the kitchen sink, or into any sewer or stormwater drain. View Hunter Water Think Before You Flush webpage for more information.
Donate or sell if in good condition
Place in red lid general waste bin if broken or in poor condition.
Animal waste, such as dog faeces and kitty litter, should be placed in your red lid general waste bin. Please wrap kitty litter in a plastic bag or paper prior to disposal.
Pet waste worm farms and composters are available to purchase from some hardware stores and online retailers.
Donate or sell if in good condition.
Drinking glasses can't be recycled so can't be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
If broken, wrap in paper or plastic and place in your red lid general waste bin.
Sell or donate if in good working condition.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our free e-waste program (max. 10 items per visit).
Sell or donate unwanted DVDs in good condition.
Place empty CD, DVD and VHS cases in your yellow lid recycling bin.
CDs and DVDs can be recycled at most Officeworks or place in your red lid general waste bin.
We accept E-bike and E-scooters at Summerhill Waste Management Centre at no cost.
Please see batteries for more information on embedded batteries.
There are a number of drop off options in Newcastle for recycling electronic waste, such as computers, monitors, phones, TVs, stereos, DVDs, CD and VCR players. Visit E-Waste to find out the different disposal options available.
Place envelopes, with and without plastic windows, in your yellow lid recycling bin. The plastic window doesn't need to be removed.
Face masks should be placed in your red-lid general waste bin. Where possible, put them into a sealed bag before placing in the bin to ensure other people won't touch them.
Face masks are not recyclable. Please don't place them in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Fire extinguishers should not be placed in any household bin.
Take to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Yellow fire extinguishers containing halogens are banned. Please return to your local fire station.
Flares should NOT be placed into any kerbside or public place bin.
Roads and Maritime deliver Expired Flares collection events to help boaters dispose of expired flares at boat ramps along the NSW coast. Visit the Roads and Maritime website for collection dates in Newcastle and surrounding areas.
Fluoro globes
Take to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre, a Household Chemical CleanOut event or a Community Recycling Station.
Fluoro tubes
Take to the Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Broken globes and tubes should be wrapped in paper and placed in your red lid general waste bin
Clean aluminium foil can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. Scrunch into a tennis ball size first to ensure it can be recycled.
Dirty foil should be placed in your red lid general waste bin
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin. Remove food scraps and liquid first.
Foil packaging (e.g., chip packets) and wrapping paper
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program. Foil packaging and wrapping paper should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin unless contained within a registered Curby recycling bag.
Take to a supermarket that collects soft plastics for recycling.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents; proof of residency required).
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Home composting and worm farming are good alternatives to disposing of food waste in your bin.
If you're concerned about how much food waste you are generating, visit Love Food Hate Waste for tips and ideas on how to reduce it
Sell or donate if in good, working condition.
Fridges and freezers s can be taken to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher, otherwise disposal fees apply.
If your fridge or freezer has been professional degassed by a licensed technician, it can be placed on the kerbside for collection through our booked bulk waste collection service. Doors MUST be removed if placed on the kerbside.
A local scrap metal recycler may accept your fridge or freezer.
Donate or sell items in good condition.
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre at no cost using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Out door furniture that is all metal can be taken to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for free as scrap metal.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for disposal. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
If you have the backyard space, compost bins, worm farms or chooks are a great way to recycle garden waste and food scraps. You will be helping the environment while creating a natural fertiliser for your garden.
Garden waste (garden organics) including grass clippings, prunings, twigs, bark, leaves and small branches should be placed in your green lid garden organics bin.
Large branches, stumps and logs cannot be placed in your kerbside bins.
Garden waste can be taken to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Branches less than 100mm in diameter can be collected via our booked kerbside bulk waste service. They need to be bundled and tied together.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for paid disposal. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Gas bottles and cylinders should never be placed in any of your kerbside bins as they can explode when compacted in the collection vehicle or at the landfill.
Take unwanted gas bottles and cylinders to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or Household Chemical CleanOut event.
If you are unsure of the quality of a gas cylinder or bottle, take it along to your local camping store or gas refill centre for testing. Out of date cylinders must be degassed and destroyed through approved facilities.
Glass bottles and jars
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Bottles and jars do not need to be cleaned to be recycled, but please make sure they do not contain food or liquid. Although both the bottles/jars and their lids can be recycled, please place them into your recycling bin separately so that they can be sorted correctly at the materials recovery facility.
Drinking glasses, Pyrex and ovenware
Donate or sell if in good condition
Place in your red lid general waste bin.If broken, wrap in paper or plastic before placing in the bin. Drinking glasses, Pyrex and ovenware can't be recycled.
Window and mirror glass
Donate or sell if in good condition
Place in your red lid general waste bin. If broken, wrap in paper or seal in a plastic bag first.
Use our self-haul option to drop your items off at Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Reading glasses
Take to a Community Recycling Station or Summerhill Community Recycling Centre. Reading glasses are donated to the Lions Club Recycle for Sight program, which donates glasses to developing countries.
Some optometrists accept sunglasses for recycling. Please check with your local optometrist for this service. Place them in your red lid general waste bin.
Greeting cards are made from paper and can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
You can repurpose your old cards by cutting them up and using them to make gift tags, or by donating them to preschools and hobby groups to be reused in craft activities.
Electric heaters
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our free e-waste program (max. 10 items per visit).
Fees and charges apply for commercial customers.
Oil heaters
Oil heaters can be taken to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our free scrap metal program. They will need to have the oil drained from them first.
The oil can be taken to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre at no charge for residents.
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection service or take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self haul (tipping) voucher.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for free disposal through our scrap metal program.
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection service.
Secure in a bag and place in your red lid general waste bin.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Take to Summhill Waste Management Centre for disposal. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Take to a Chemical CleanOut event or the Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Flourescent and LED light globes can be take to a Community Recycling Station, Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Broken light globes should be wrapped in paper or secured in a plastic bag and placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Empty cosmetic jars (plastic and glass) can be recycled in your yellow lid recycling bin. Remove plastic lids from glass jars and place both in your recycling bin.
For other beauty products or containers with product still in them, visit Terracycle for recycling options or place in your red lid general waste bin.
If purchasing a new mattress, ask the retailer if they will collect your old mattress when your new mattress is delivered.
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection service.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Paid disposal is available at Summerhill Waste Management Centre (fees and charges apply) or through a local mattress recycler.
Place plastic (not foam) meat trays in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Take unwanted and expired medicines to your local pharmacy for free disposal through the Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) Project.
Please note:
- Sharps, needles and syringes are not accepted through the RUM Project and should be safely contained and disposed of at a designated drop-off point.
- Empty medicinal blister packs (such as plastic paracetamol trays) can be recycled at select pharmacies. Visit pharmacycle.com.au to find your nearest location.
Empty and place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Around one million milk crates go missing each year. The loss of these crates impacts Australian farmers and it also impacts our environment.
If you have or find any milk crates, contact Dairy Farmers on 1800 000 570 or email milkcrates@dairyfarmers.com.au to arrange a free pick up.
Consider selling or donating your old phone if it is still in good working condition.
Take to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Many mobile phone retailers and Officeworks accept mobile phones for recycling.
You can also pick up a free reply-paid MobileMuster satchel at participating Australia Post and JB Hi-Fi stores to post your unwanted mobile phone, battery or charger.
Take household quantities to a Household Chemical CleanOut event or Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Household quantities may be recycled through selected Supercheap Auto stores. Please check with your local store.
Commercial customers
Contact a hazardous waste disposal company.
Place in your red lid general waste bin. Please note, nappies are not recyclable and should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Motor and cooking oil can be taken to a Household Chemical CleanOut event or Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Take to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Place empty paint tins in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Small quantities of dry paint can be disposed of in your red lid general waste bin.
Commercial Customers
Contact a hazardous waste contractor or take it to a PaintBack location for safe disposal (conditions apply).
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin. Flatten boxes before recycling.
If you have large quantities of cardboard, or large cardboard boxes, take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents if materials are sorted prior to arrival on site; proof of residency is required).
Commercial customers
Visit Business Recycling to find suitable drop-off or collection service options.
If you no longer want to receive a hard copy of the phone book visit Directory Select.
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Remove food scraps and place pizza box in your yellow lid recycling bin. If the box is heavily stained with oil, place in your red lid general waste bin
All rigid (hard) household plastic bottles can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin, regardless of their recycling symbol number. Please remove all food and liquid first. Lids should be unscrewed and placed in the recycling bin too.
Plastic plates
Remove food waste and place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Plastic cutlery
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program. Plastic bags, packaging and wrap should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin unless contained within a registered Curby recycling bag.
Take to supermarkets that accept soft plastic for recycling.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents; proof of residency required).
Commercial customers
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Remove food waste and place in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Polystyrene should be bagged and tied securely and placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Recycling options for polystyrene include:
- Hunter Pods in Thornton. Free drop-off of clean, white polystyrene only (no sticky tape, paper or other contaminants). Must call (02) 4966 3959 beforehand to arrange a drop-off time.
- Awaba Community Recycling Centre, located at 367 Wilton Road, Awaba. Free drop-off service available to all NSW residents. Household quantities of polystyrene only.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Take small home printer cartridges to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Community Recycling Station.
Some commercial retailers such as OfficeWorks, JB HiFi and Australia Post also take printer cartridges. Visit Close the Loop to find out more.
Commercial customers
If you have three or more imaging consumables (toner bottles, laser cartridges, ink jet cartridges etc) per month from participating manufacturers, you can register for a collection box from Close the Loop.
Take to a Community Recycling Station. We donate the collected reading glasses to the Lions Club's Recycle for Sight program. Please note, sunglasses can't be recycled through this program. Please place them in your red lid general waste bin.
You can post reading glasses to the Lion's Club Recycle for Sight.
Rechargeable batteries should NOT be placed in any of your kerbside bins. The compaction of the truck may result in a truck fire.
Take to a Community Recycling Station, Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Sharps, needles and syringes should never be placed in any of your bins.
Please visit our Sharps, Needles and Syringes page to find out the right way to dispose of them.
For all abandoned trolleys, contact Trolley Tracker on 1800 641 497 or log details directly on the Trolley Tracker website.
Shredded paper can be placed in your yellow-lid recycling bin providing you place it inside a paper bag first. Containing it in a paper bag serves two purposes: it prevents it from escaping into the street when your bin is serviced, and it assists with sorting it at the recycling facility.
Alternatively, there are a few reuse options you may consider, such as:
- Offering the shredded paper for free on forums such as Gumtree or local ‘buy, swap and sell’ pages. People with chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs are sometimes looking for shredded paper for bedding and nesting material.
- Calling local vet clinics or pet shops to see if they need shredded paper for bedding.
- Using shredded paper in your home compost bin or worm farm.
Take to Summerhill Community Recycling Centre or a Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program.
Take to supermarkets that accept soft plastic for recycling.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents if waste is sorted prior to arrival; proof of residence required).
Commercial customers
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Take to a Household Chemical CleanOut event or Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Steel and tin cans
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin. Tins don't need to be washed but please remove any food waste.
Steel and tin items
Take larger steel and tin items, such as bikes, corrugated iron and metal fence panels, to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for free disposal through our scrap metal program
Take to a local scrap metal recycler.
Consider reusing your takeaway containers rather than disposing of them.
Plastic takeaway food containers
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin. They don't need to be washed out, but please make sure there is no food in them before recycling .
Polystyrene foam
Containers made of polystyrene foam should be placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Bioplastic and sugar cane containers
Place in your red lid general waste bin.
Tea bags and leaves can be placed in your red lid general waste bin.
You can also place tea bags and leaves in a home compost bin or worm farm.
There are a number of drop off options in Newcastle for recycling electronic waste, such as computers, monitors, phones, TVs, stereos, DVDs, CD and VCR players. Visit E-Waste to find out the different disposal options available.
Thermometers contain mercury and can be responsibly disposed of at any free Household Chemical CleanOut event.
Clean, untreated, unpainted timber
Take clean, untreated, unpainted timber to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for recycling through our Sort & Save service (no charge for Newcastle residents)
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection service.
Painted or treated timber
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection service.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Commercial Customers
Paid disposal is available at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Our variable pricing allows for lower disposal fees for single, source separated loads of clean timber.
Place in your yellow lid recycling bin. You don't have to wash them but please make sure there is no food or liquid in them before recycling.
Tissues should be placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Empty cardboard tissue boxes can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin. You do not need to remove the soft plastic insert before recycling them.
Take small home printer cartridges to a Community Recycling Station or Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Some commercial retailers such as OfficeWorks, JB HiFi, Australia Post also take printer cartridges. Visit Close the Loop to find out more .
Commercial customers
If you have three or more imaging consumables (toner bottles, laser cartridges, ink jet cartridges etc) per month from participating manufacturers, you can register for a collection box through Close the Loop.
If reusable, consider selling or giving tools away via local newspaper classifieds or online trading sites such as the Trading Post, Ebay or Gumtree (Gumtree does not charge listing or selling fees).
Handheld electric tools can be recycled through our free e-waste recycling drop-off at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Conditions apply.
Tools made predominantly of metal may be accepted free of charge as scrap metal at Summerhill Waste Management Centre (otherwise, fees and charges apply).
You can also dispose of tools via our Bulk Waste Service.
Dispose of in your red lid general waste bin.
If you wish to recycle these items visit Terracycle to find out how.
If still in good condition, consider selling or donating to charity.
Plastic toys are not recyclable, so please don't place them in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Place broken or damaged toys in your red lid general waste bin.
Book a kerbside bulk waste service or take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Paid disposal at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Branches less than 100mm in diameter
Place in your green lid garden organics bin.
Small branches can be bundled together and placed on the kerbside for a booked bulk waste collection service.
Branches larger than 100mm in diameter
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher otherwise Fees apply.
Tree stumps
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees apply.
Tupperware containers are not currently recyclable through your yellow lid recycling bin.
Tupperware offer a lifetime warranty so please contact the company if you have broken or damaged Tupperware.
Consider donating or selling if still in good condition.
Some tyre service centre will recycle your car tyres when you buy new ones. Ask when you book your car in for a service.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a self-haul bulk waste (tipping) voucher (maximum of five tyres/wheels per voucher). Tyres and wheels can not be collected through our kerbside bulk waste collection service.
Paid disposal at Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Cardboard products with a light wax coating, such as milk, juice and ice cream cartons, can be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Waxed cardboard, typically boxes provided for fruit and vegetables by greengrocers, are not recyclable. Place them in your red lid general waste bin.
Place in your green lid garden organics bin. If you have a large quantity of weeds that can't fit in your green lid bin, take them to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Commercial customers
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre. Fees and minimum charges apply.
Fridges and freezers
Consider selling or donating if in good working condition. Contact a charity before donating, as not all charities can accept whitegoods.
If your fridge or freezer has been degassed by a technician authorised by the Australian Refrigeration Council, you can book a bulk waste collection service.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for paid disposal. Fees and charges apply.
Contact a scrap metal merchant who may accept your fridge or freezer.
Washing machines, dryers and dishwashers
Consider selling or donating if in good working condition. Contact the charity before donating, as not all charities can accept whitegoods.
Take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre for free e-waste drop-off (maximum of 10 items per visit, proof of residency required).
Book a kerbside bulk waste collection or take to Summerhill Waste Management Centre using a bulk waste self-haul (tipping) voucher.
Window glass should be taken away by your window replacement company. If you are replacing it yourself, contact a local window repair company and you may be able to drop it off at their recycling facility or use our self-haul option to drop your items off at Summerhill Waste Management Centre.
Small amounts of window glass may be wrapped and placed in your red lid general waste bin.
Please note: Window glass cannot be recycled through the kerbside yellow lid recycling bin.
Ashes should be bagged and placed in your red lid general waste bin once cold. Do not place hot ashes in your bin.
You can dispose of wood waste at Summerhill Waste Management Centre (mixed waste fees and charges apply).
Paper-based wrapping paper
Place wrapping paper made from paper, including tissue paper, in your yellow lid recycling bin.
Foil wrapping paper and cellophane
Visit our soft plastics page to find out about Curby, our kerbside soft plastic recycling program. Foil wrapping paper and cellophane should not be placed in your yellow lid recycling bin unless contained within a registered Curby recycling bag.
Take to a Community Recycling Station or Summerhill Community Recycling Centre.
Commercial Customers
Contact Siltech to organise a collection bin for your x-rays.