Ward Maps
The City of Newcastle Local Government Area is divided into four wards. To find out which Council ward you are in, type in your address and search. Click on the map to find out the Councillor details for that ward.
Please note, your street type needs to be in full, e.g. 12 Stewart Avenue Newcastle. Predictive text is enabled, so if you type only the house number and street name, a list will appear, allowing you to choose your address. You can change the map type to aerial photography by clicking on the basemap gallery icon on the toolbar.
Download ward maps
Ward 1
Ward 1 map (PDF 569KB)
Carrington, Cooks Hill (part), Islington, Maryville, Mayfield, Mayfield East, Mayfield West, Newcastle, Newcastle East, Newcastle West (part), Stockton, The Hill, Tighes Hill, Warabrook, Wickham
Ward 2
Ward 2 map (PDF 557KB)
Bar Beach, Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Broadmeadow, Cooks Hill (part), Hamilton, Hamilton East, Hamilton South, Kotara (part), Merewether, Merewether Heights, Newcastle West (part), The Junction
Ward 3
Ward 3 map (PDF 594KB)
Birmingham Gardens, Callaghan, Georgetown, Jesmond, Hamilton North, Kotara, Lambton, New Lambton, New Lambton Heights, North Lambton, Rankin Park, Wallsend (part), Waratah, Waratah West
Ward 4
Ward 4 map (PDF 498KB)
Beresfield, Black Hill, Elermore Vale, Fletcher, Hexham, Lenaghan, Maryland, Minmi, Sandgate, Shortland, Tarro, Wallsend (part)
Please note, these are the City of Newcastle Ward boundaries as adopted by Council on 26 November 2019 and apply from the December 2021 Council elections. View the previous Ward boundaries from the 2017 election (PDF 2.2MB)