Ward boundaries under review
Under the NSW Local Government Act 1993, the City of Newcastle is required to review the distribution of voters across its Local Government Area Wards, and residents are now invited to have their say on proposed changes prior to next year’s Council elections.
Green light for funding policy
Funding for projects to boost local business precincts is one step closer following the adoption of the Special Business Rate (SBR) Expenditure Policy.
Council Update - Tuesday 27 August
Following is a summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting for Tuesday 27 August 2019. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.
City sets sights on 100% renewable electricity target
A plan to source 100 per cent of City of Newcastle’s power from renewable generation could save ratepayers millions in energy costs over the next 25 years, a feasibility study has found.
Local agency engaged to support vibrant business precincts
City of Newcastle has engaged a local agency with over three decades of experience helping Hunter businesses thrive, under a new Business Improvement Association (BIA) support services contract.
Help shape our growing city's future
What will Newcastle look like in 20-plus years’ time, with more than 35,000 additional residents and 19,500 new dwellings? City of Newcastle is asking the community to help shape the future of our growing Local Government Area, which is projected to grow by around 25 percent to a population of 202,000 by 2040.
Dixon Park Surf Club unveils revamp
Dixon Park Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC) hopes to attract a new wave of community members following a $640,000 upgrade to its facilities. The upgrade includes refurbished changes rooms, accessible showers and toilets and parents change rooms as well as new kitchenette, meeting room and small function space on the ground floor. -
Library of the future planned for Newcastle West
Dedicated podcasting and virtual reality equipment, 3D holograms of planned developments and interactive wall-mounted screens featuring key City attractions will feature among a suite of new offerings within the ground floor of the City’s future Central Administration Centre (CAC).
Bumper investment delivers capital results
Preliminary figures show $91.6 million was invested into Newcastle’s network of roads, community buildings, parks and reserves, making 2018/19 a record year for City of Newcastle capital works.
City prepares for electric vehicle future
The City of Newcastle has completed a solar-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging hub that will also provide 100 percent renewable electricity to supply all of No.2 Sportsground.