Whale of a day set to mark nautical showpiece
Nature lovers should mark Sunday week down in their diaries for a whale of a double date.
Key to the City for proud Novocastrian Naval Officer
HMAS Newcastle Commander Anita Sellick has been honoured with the Key to the City at a ceremony today to farewell the ship before it’s decommissioned later this month -
Building demo makes way for West End cycling link
A long-envisioned pathway connecting King and Hunter Streets is set to be revealed when City of Newcastle demolishes a vacant building on Monday.
City opens new grandstand at Merewether
A stunning new grandstand pavilion for Merewether sporting clubs to celebrate victories past and present was unveiled at Mitchell Park Oval today.
Final Farewell to HMAS Newcastle
Novocastrians are invited to farewell HMAS Newcastle when our namesake ship makes her final homecoming next week with a local woman at the helm.
Union welcomes layout of City’s new admin HQ
United Services Union Organiser Luke Hutchinson has hailed office floorplans finalised by City of Newcastle to meet the city’s increasingly diverse needs from its future administrative base.
No.2 protected for historic rugby Test
Australia’s Women’s Rugby team will play their first ever standalone Test on a No.2 Sportsground playing surface that meets international standards thanks to a decision to quarantine the pitch until the historic 13 July fixture.
Trees and tech deployed to #BeatAirPollution
City of Newcastle celebrated a city-wide tree planting drive today and the upcoming installation of an environmental sensing network as part of World Environment Day’s global campaign to combat air pollution.
Storms force Stockton closures
City of Newcastle has closed accessways along Stockton Beach and will monitor other seaside walkways and roads over the next 24 hours amid today’s storm warnings. -
Economic, Art and Community Grants now open
City of Newcastle has opened applications for three separate funding programs worth a total of $265,000 in a bid to empower community groups to make the city a better place.