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    14 Aug 2017

    Council update - 15 August

    Following is a summary of the Public Voice and Development Application Committee meetings held on Tuesday 15 August 2017. Note: It is not a record of resolutions. 
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    12 Aug 2017

    Council prepares for possible sea level rise in low-lying areas

    A Newcastle City Council report proposes a combination of flood gates, pumps and a levee in Carrington, Maryville, Wickham and Islington in the event climate change causes sea levels to rise by 80cm.
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    09 Aug 2017

    Council extends community assistance

    A project to teach young musicians how to play The Last Post, this Sunday's Wallsend Winter Fair and a diversity festival in Hamilton's Gregson Park have all received support from Newcastle City Council's annual grants and sponsorship program.
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    08 Aug 2017

    Council takes action to secure Swan Street safety

    A $5 million program to improve one of Newcastle's most popular streets commences today in Cooks Hill.

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    06 Aug 2017

    City supports popular events

    A beloved Christmas toy run by motorcyclists for underprivileged kids, a family-friendly Chinese New Year celebration and a month-long junior cricket carnival have all received support from Newcastle City Council's annual grants and sponsorship program.
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    04 Aug 2017

    Artist Cameron Stead wins Newcastle Art Gallery's $50,000 Kilgour Prize 2017

    Sydney-based artist Cameron Stead is the recipient of the KILGOUR PRIZE 2017, Newcastle Art Gallery’s prestigious annual award for figurative and portrait painting, which includes a $50,000 cash prize. 
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    04 Aug 2017

    Rates by email a saving for council

    Newcastle City Council is urging all rate payers with an email address to sign up to receive rates notices in their inbox instead of their letterboxes.
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    03 Aug 2017

    Two hours free parking for customers and clients of Watt St businesses

    Businesses fronting Watt St in Newcastle's CBD can register for two hours free parking for their customers and clients to help offset the loss of on-street parking during construction works.
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    02 Aug 2017

    Economic sponsorships boost local economy

    A 12-day music festival with a classical focus, a network of manufacturers synched in with Newcastle's smart city ambitions and a promising junior theatre project have all received support from Newcastle City Council's annual grants program.
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    01 Aug 2017

    New look North Stockton boating hub opens

    Boating enthusiasts and picnickers now have vastly improved facilities to enjoy on the Hunter River after the newly upgraded North Stockton boat ramp carpark was opened today.