Project Updates

There are various projects underway that will all go toward revitalising our City Centre. These are delivered in collaboration with the NSW Government and private sector. Works include:
East End Public Domain Plan
The East End Public Domain Plan - Phases 1 and 2 are based on the East End Stage One Streetscape Plan adopted in 2018 covering Hunter Street Mall and adjoining streets, with an additional upgrade for streets around the Mall approved by the elected Council in May 2020.
For the latest updates visit the East End project page.
Harbour Foreshore Precinct
City of Newcastle, with consultant's T.C.L. Landscape Architects and local firm Bosque Landscape Architects prepared the Harbour Foreshore Masterplan (Masterplan). Community engagement occurred throughout 2020 and 2021 to inform concept development, which informed the Masterplan placed on public exhibition in 2022. The final Masterplan was adopted by the elected Council on 13 December 2022. The scope of the project was defined by the Foreshore Plan of Management (POM). View the POM on the Foreshore Precinct park webpage.
Works include:
- Improved cycle and pedestrian links from the Civic Precinct to Bathers Way.
- Landscape upgrades along the foreshore.
- Masterplanning to Foreshore Park including upgrades to the playground and event spaces.
West End Streetscape
The West End Stage Two Streetscape Plan was adopted in July 2019 (The Plan). The Plan provides a strategic guideline for the design and implementation of public domain works within Newcastle’s West End. View the Plan and associated information.
The Plan provides many improvements to the streetscape including:
- Uniform footpaths improving accessibility and ease of walking.
- Increased opportunities for pedestrians to cross Hunter Street.
- Increased numbers of street trees.
- Landscaped gardens, and the creation of alfresco dining areas.
- Cycleways
Hunter Street Trial Cycleway - In September 2021, we finished works on separated cycleways (both sides of the road) between National Park Street and Worth Place. The project will make it safer for cyclists and maintain traffic flow for vehicles
We are now planning Stage 2 of the Trial Cycleway delivering a separated cycleway between National Park Street and Ivy Street.
This work is a continuation of the existing trial cycleway on Hunter Street, creating a 2km long dedicated lane for cyclists, connecting Hamilton to the city. View information on the trial cycleway.
Wickham Public Domain Plan
The Wickham Public Domain Plan (PDP), adopted by the elected Council on 28 November 2023, provides guidance for developers, City of Newcastle and other bodies carrying out public domain works in Wickham, delivering on the vision and objectives for Wickham established in the Wickham Masterplan 2021.
The Wickham PDP provides a framework for the delivery of high-quality streetscapes and public spaces in Wickham. The PDP aims to address long-term challenges in the precinct, including flooding and stormwater management, movement and accessibility, vegetation and canopy coverage, and traffic and parking to create a welcoming and positive environment for residents and visitors.
Key features of the Public Domain Plan include:
- The upgrade of Union Street to be an attractive pathway to the heart of the precinct
- Improved footpath conditions
- Creation of new community spaces including a linear park along the Bullock Island Railway Corridor with active transport links
- New laneways and connecting roads
- New tree plantings and landscaping throughout the precinct
See the Wickham PDP Have your say webpage to view the community engagement report from the development of the PDP.