Dixon Park Kiosk Refurbishment

Image: Artist impression of the improvements to Dixon Park Kiosk
City of Newcastle is refurbishing the kiosk building within Dixon Park to transform the space into a vibrant community place where locals and visitors can connect, relax and appreciate the coastal environment.
Work which commenced in April includes public seating, shade shelters and landscaping. Work to prepare the kiosk for use commenced in 2020, with provision of power, water and sewage infrastructure now complete.
As part of the project, the City has committed to restoring the mural which features local champion surfer Mark Richards, in a new location on the southern side of the kiosk.
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- April 2021 - Work commences to breathe new life into Dixon Park Kiosk
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long will the work take?
Works to refurbish Dixon Park Kiosk commenced in April 2021 and are due to be completed in August 2021, weather permitting.
When will the kiosk be operational?
Expressions of interest for kiosk operations will open later in 2021. Should the EOI process be successful, an operator could be up and running in time for summer.
Will the height of the existing kiosk building change?
No, however the new shade structure will stand around 80 centimetres higher than the kiosk building.