Parking Operations - What we do?
Parking Operations is a small but diverse team of dedicated people who manage parking across the Local Government Area.
Role of a Parking Officer
The role of our Parking Officers is to ensure that on street parking turnover is maximised and access is available to kerbside space for all stakeholders. City of Newcastle’s approach to parking reflects its commitment to safety and accessibility, with the role of our Parking Officers ensuring that this occurs.
Parking Officers provide information on parking, they enforce parking laws and operate City of Newcastle's off street parking facilities so that parking spaces are shared among users.
The level of the fine attached to a parking penalty notice issued by the City of Newcastle is determined by the NSW State Government via State Treasury and not determined by the City of Newcastle or its Officers.
Parking Rules and Regulation can be found at the following websites:
Parking Rules NSW Government
Legislation NSW
Roads and Maritime Services
Acts and Rules officers are authorised to enforce include:
- Roads Act 1993
- Road Transport Act 2013
- Road Rules 2014
- Local Government Act 1993
- Impounding Act 1993
Please visit our page on roads and traffic permits
Parking Officers contact - (02) 4974 2000
Role of a Parking Technician
The role of our Parking Technicians is to ensure that parking meters are operating at the optimum capacity. Parking meters are inspected, tested and maintained by the parking meter technicians. An automatic alert system notifies the technicians of most operational issues. Parking technicians also maintain and operate the Mall Parking Station.Parking Meter Technicians contact - (02) 4974 2000.
Permit Parking Scheme
Parking Operations administers and issues parking permits in accordance with Roads and Maritime guidelines.The use of resident and resident visitor parking permits is regulated under the Road Transport Act 2013 and the 'Road Transport (General) Regulation 2013. The Regulation states 'a parking authority must not issue a permit except in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Authority'. The Authority that has issued the guidelines is Roads and Maritime Services NSW (RMS) and the parking authority is City of Newcastle.
View Roads and Maritime Services Permit Parking Guidelines (pdf)
A Permit Parking Scheme (PPS) is intended to:
Improve amenity for particular classes of road users who do not have sufficient off-street parking facilities or unrestricted on-street parking facilities available:
- Provide equitable on-street parking space for road users
- Provide parking schemes to cope with extreme demands for parking that would otherwise be placed on the road system
- Provide an appropriate mix of on-street parking spaces in residential streets and in streets close to commercial centres
- Support regional transport objectives and strategies that have been framed with commuters in mind
- Increase public transport usage by converting unrestricted kerbside parking spaces in residential areas and urban areas into restricted parking spaces such as permissive parking spaces or pay parking spaces where appropriate.