Ticket/Phone and Timed Parking

Ticket/Phone Parking
There are 2 parts to the parking signposting
(Time) P means maximum time you can legally park in the parking zone. For example:
- 1P equals 1 hour of parking
- 2P equals 2 hours of parking
- 3P equals 3hours of parking
- 4P equals 4hours of parking
- 8P equals 8 hours of Parking
- P equals Unlimited Parking
Ticket/Phone means a fee applies. There are 2 ways parking can be purchased via the Easypark application or from the nearest ticket parking meter.
Do not leave your vehicle unattended without purchasing an Easypark session or a ticket from the meter. Paid parking operates at various times throughout the city centre – please check kerbside signs for hours of operation.
Outside the times indicated, parking is free and unrestricted. Sometimes other parking conditions may still apply so please check the information on the kerbside signs before you park your vehicle.
Parking meters are located in many Newcastle streets and are pay and display ticket meters. All City of Newcastle parking meters accept credit/debit cards with some parking meters also accepting 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2 coins. Phone payments are also accepted via the EasyPark App.
Parking fees
Parking fees are different at different locations. Check out the Fees and Charges (PDF) for a full run down of parking meter fees and car park fees.
Why do we need parking restrictions?
Demand for on-street parking spaces in Newcastle is very high.
Parking restrictions are in operation to encourage a regular turnover of parking bays, giving residents, workers, businesses and visitors a reasonable chance of finding parking. These restrictions are regularly enforced to ensure the safe and fair use of on-street parking spaces across the City.
Without regular patrols the limited number of parking spaces would be occupied continuously by the same vehicles, reducing the amount of parking available for others to access services and facilities of a particular street or commercial centre.
Do I need to purchase a ticket on public holidays?
After parking your car, check the signs if the sign posting stipulates 'Public holidays included' then you do need to purchase a ticket. If the words 'Public holidays included' are not on the sign posting then no ticket is required.
Reporting Ticket Parking Meters
If the meter is not working or you notice a fault, please contact Council's Parking Meter Fault line on 1300 373 077. Please note, if the meter or ticket meter is out of order, time limits still apply. The call centre staff member will log your call and give you a reference number.
If you've seen a faulty parking Meter,
If the ticket parking meter is found to be operational, any penalty notice issued may stand.
If the ticket parking meter displays use next meter, a payment must be made into the next available ticket parking meter or phone payment via the EasyPark App.
Please note that the time stipulated on the sign posting applies from the time of arrival.
Ticket parking meters accept coins and credit/debit cards if the credit card function is unavailable a coin payment must be made.