Llewellyn Street, Merewether

We have created a safe, attractive space for the community to shop and enjoy with our $2 million upgrade at Llewellyn Street, Merewether.
The upgrade included new street furniture and landscaping, alongside a range of pedestrian safety improvements including three new raised crossings, kerb extensions to reduce road crossing distances, and upgraded footpaths.
The area is now more accessible for everyone, and has addressed safety and flooding issues along Llewellyn Street.
Project background
Community updates
April 2020 - project update flyer
August 2020 - project update flyer
December 2020 - project update flyer
2020 – 2021: Delivery
Construction works began in June and were completed in March 2021.
Detailed information about the works including access to properties, road closures, parking, power interruptions and logistics of the construction process were provided to stakeholders during construction.
Also view the Llewellyn Street Merewether Process Flow Chart (pdf 2.6MB).
2017 – 2019: Design
On 28 February 2017 Council approved the traffic component of the Llewellyn Street Traffic Plan. Concept design was completed in 2017, and detailed design was undertaken through 2018 and 2019. Investigations such as geotechnical survey and underground utilities location were undertaken to inform civil and landscape detail design. Detailed design has built on the community feedback provided through the PDP exhibition process which will create a vibrant, safe and active public space.
2015 – 2016: Project development and consultation
In 2015 Council had received concerns regarding the lack of pedestrian facilities in Llewellyn Street near the shopping area between Dent and Merewether Street. At that time, Council had also recently identified Llewellyn Street as part of the Local Centres Program which prioritised this location for a traffic study. A traffic study was completed which acknowledged pedestrian volumes in the area.
Around this same time, a Development Application was submitted to Council for 25A Llewellyn Street to construct units with a ground floor day care facility. Given the nature and size of the development, it was envisaged that pedestrian and vehicle traffic would increase. A raised pedestrian crossing and kerb extensions would assist pedestrians to cross Llewellyn Street and also slow down traffic. The developer of 25A Llewellyn Street agreed to fund the raised threshold and pedestrian crossing and it was included in their building works program.
Council determined that the other proposed traffic calming devices and a pedestrian crossing at Dent Street would be funded as part of the Local Centre project.
The proposed plan was exhibited between 4 November and 2 December 2016, with majority support given to the proposed plan. The plan was then approved by the Newcastle City Traffic Committee on 19 December 2016.