Development Control Plan (DCP)
City of Newcastle has undertaken a comprehensive review of its current Development Control Plan (DCP) and created a raft of enhanced provisions for new developments.
By undertaking a comprehensive review of the current DCP we are ensuring better outcomes for the community in alignment with CN priorities, including the Newcastle 2040: Community Strategic Plan, Local Strategic Planning Statement, Local Housing Strategy and best practice guidelines.
DCP 2023 supports our vision for an integrated and accessible transport network, green and liveable city, and smart and innovative economy.
DCP 2023 commenced 1 March 2024, it is available in our interactive website:
Frequently asked questions
What are the key highlights?
Standard lodgement requirements for development applications
Repealed - DCP 2012 is available for review at the following link to allow for relevant savings provisions.
Should you have any queries, please contact CN's Customer Contact Centre on 4974 2000.
DCP 2023 is provided to assist you with the preparation of development applications. The provisions of the DCP are largely assessment criteria to be used in the assessment of development applications. However, some local circumstances may apply to any particular development site or proposal that warrant separate consideration outside the framework of DCP 2023.
Accordingly, compliance with the provisions does not guarantee development approval, nor will non compliance with the provisions necessarily result in refusal of an application. CN does not accept any liability for your interpretation of the applicability or non applicability of the elements to your particular development proposal.
The interactive DCP 2023 site has been prepared to support greater usability than a standalone document. Should there be a discrepancy the adopted version of 12 December 2023 prevails.