Your Kerbside Waste Service
Your standard household kerbside waste service includes:
- a 140-litre general waste bin, serviced weekly;
- a 240-litre recycling bin, serviced fortnightly; and
- a 240-litre garden organics bin, serviced fortnightly.
Your recycling (yellow lid) and garden organics (green lid) bins are serviced on alternating weeks, on the same day as your general waste (red lid) bin collection.
What happens to your waste
Our waste team service your red lid and green lid bins. Your yellow lid bin is serviced by our contractor, Cleanaway.
Different trucks take the contents of your bins to Summerhill Waste Management Centre, where:
- Your recycling is baled and transferred to a materials recovery facility, where it is sorted and sent to manufacturers who use it to make new products.
- Your garden organics are shredded and then turned into compost off-site. This compost is used for mine site rehabilitation in the Hunter Valley.
- Your general waste is buried in the landfill.
Being 'waste wise' matters
By using your bins correctly, you can help protect our environment and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill.
Our Kerbside Bin Service (PDF 2.9MB) flyer provides guidance on what you can place in each of your bins.