Frequently Asked Questions
Still got questions?
We understand you may not have found the answer to your question elsewhere but hopefully we've got you covered here.
How do we apply?
Contact the Events Team (events@ncc.nsw.gov.au) to check availability and then submit and Application Form.
How long will we have?
Venues for ceremonies and gatherings are charged at an hourly rate, so you're welcome to book the time you need. Most of our couples book for 2 hours. This covers set up and pack down needs, as well as the ceremony itself.
Do we have to pay a deposit?
When you return your completed application form we'll assume you're keen to go ahead with a booking. We'll complete your assessment and you will issued an Event Authorisation and an invoice. Your Event Authorisation will only be valid once your invoice has been paid. See also Terms and Conditions.
When do we get our approval?
Once we've received your application form we can usually get an approval to you pretty quickly. As long as all supporting documentation has been provided where necessary, we should be able to get everything finalised within 2 weeks for Low Impact private gatherings. Please note, Event Authorisations for Low-High Impact events will require further time.
Will we get our money back if it rains, if we change venues or if we need to cancel our booking?
The application fee is non-refundable in all instances of cancellation. In the event of inclement weather we'll refund all other fees as long as you notify us in writing on the next available working day. If you cancel your booking for any reason prior to your approval being issued we'll refund all other monies.
If you need to change venues after your approval is issued you'll have to pay an additional amendment fee. Unfortunately you'll forfeit all monies if you cancel for any other reason after your approval is issued. Any other situations would be assessed on a case by case basis.
Will we be able to park the wedding cars on site? Where will our guests park?
Unfortunately no vehicle access will be permitted for this type of activity at any park or beach. Parking is strictly as per the parking zones in the local area.
Wedding cars will need to drop the bridal party off at the venue, move on to park in the allocated public parking, then return to collect the bridal party at the completion of the ceremony. Guests will need to use the public parking available also.
Will we have access to electricity?
Free access to electricity is available in the Lambton and King Edward Park rotundas. You'll need a key to access fuse boxes in case of a trip though. Where keys are issued a refundable key bond is payable.
Some venues don't have access at all and where it is available this will attract an additional fee. We can confirm this for you at time of application.
We recommend you discuss with your celebrant the possibility of them providing a portable power source.
Are we allowed to have alcohol? Are we allowed to smoke?
The City permits alcohol consumption in most parks between the hours of 8am and 8pm only. All alcohol must be consumed from cans or plastic cups. Bottled wine must be poured into disposable cups, however, the use of single use plastic cups is discouraged. All beaches are Alcohol Free Zones. Please refer to Strategic Alcohol Management for specific parks and their regulations. Smoking is prohibited in all parks.
Are we allowed to use confetti?
The City won't permit the use of any kind of confetti at parks or beaches, including biodegradable confetti and rice. Rose petals are permitted on the condition the site is cleaned up as much as possible before you leave. City of Newcastle doesn't support the release of balloons either.
Will equipment be provided?
The City of Newcastle doesn't supply equipment of any kind for gatherings and events. If you need chairs, tables or any other temporary structures you'll need to source these privately or through a contractor. Please use your application form to let us know of any equipment you plan to use. Please note, proof of Public Liability Insurance will be requested from the contractor in this instance.
Many of our parks have underground irrigation and utilities and therefore we don't permit pegging of any kind. If you're going to erect a small marquee (max 3m x 3m), arbour or any other structure please make sure you secure them with weights.
Will there be blooming flowers and will the grass be mowed?
All City parks including King Edward Park, Civic Park, Christie Place, Lambton Park, Gregson Park and Rowland Park have two garden displays per year. The remainder of the year the flower beds are left empty to allow for maintenance of the soil to be undertaken.
The length of annual displays are governed by the environment and are therefore dependent on numerous factors such weather, pests, diseases and vandalism with the maintenance schedule subject to change. The gardens are monitored on a daily basis and once the flowers drop below 50% volume they are scheduled for removal.
The period between identification and flower removal can be anywhere from two to fourteen days depending on the rate of deterioration. For this reason we're not able to guarantee a floral display for any event, at any time of the year.
All parks are maintained, including the mowing of grass, on a scheduled basis, with the exception of the lower grasslands at the Obelisk where you'll find a native species of grass growing. These schedules are also governed by the environment as outlined above.
Will the gates and toilets be open?
The gates to areas which are accessible by the public are opened at sunrise and locked at sunset. Public amenities are also opened at sunrise and locked at sunset. We don't provide access for wedding ceremonies outside of this.
How do we know if the fountains will be on?
The fountain at Civic Park is on a timer, set to come on between 10am and 9pm.
The fountain at Customs House Plaza is also on a timer, scheduled to come on between 8am to 10pm however this fountain will be turned off in the event of poor weather.
The fountain in Pacific Park is solar powered.
What if another group is using the venue we have booked when we arrive?
The City will issue you with an approval which you'll need to have with you on the day (printed or digital access). In the event others are using the area when you arrive you can present your approval as evidence that you've booked and paid for exclusive use of the area. City of Newcastle doesn't fence or mark off the licensed area, however if you'd like to do this you're welcome to. Please make sure you're not pegging anything into the ground or using anything which may cause damage to a structure or tree. Also, please ensure this happens during the time period specified on your approval only.
We've inspected the venue and it looks like a construction site!
The City is required to undertake scheduled maintenance on all parks and beaches. Managers and bookings staff liaise regularly regarding scheduled works and events to ensure all equipment is removed and the area restored to a presentable standard ready for your wedding day. If we've missed something please feel free to let us know.
Can we have our wedding reception at a beach or park?
City of Newcastle does not permit the holding of wedding receptions in open spaces due to a range of impacts including WH&S, noise, consumption of alcohol etc.
Lost Property
City of Newcastle does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of personal items and unfortunately does not maintain a lost property department.
More questions? We're here simply Contact Us.