Public Notices - Archive

Development Application Notices

The below Development Applications have previously been notified due to being a designated development, nominated integrated development, threatened species development, Class 1 aquaculture development, potentially hazardous or potentially offensive development or demolition in Heritage Conservation Area. The notification period has completed, however, the public notice can be viewed as an archived record.

Archived Development Application Notices


View Public Notices currently on display.

Outdoor Trading Applications

The below Outdoor Trading Applications have previously been notified. The notification period has been completed, however, the public notice can be viewed as an archived record.

Archived Outdoor Trading Applications

View Outdoor Trading Applications currently on display.

Road Naming Proposals

The below Road Naming Proposals have previously been notified. The notification period has been completed, however, the public notice can be viewed as an archived record.

View Road Naming Proposals currently on display.

Traffic and Parking Amendment Notices

The below Proposed Traffic and Parking Amendment Notices have previously been notified. The notification period has been completed, however, the public notice can be viewed as an archived record.

Archived Proposed Parking and Traffic Amendment Notices

View Proposed Traffic and Parking Amendment Notices currently on display.

Urban Planning Notices

The below Urban Planning Notices have previously been exhibited. The exhibition period has finished, however, the notice can be viewed as an archived record.

Archived Urban Planning Notices

Planning Proposal - 505 Minmi Road Fletcher

Public exhibition has finished for a planning proposal to amend the Newcastle Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 for land at 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher.

This planning proposal was lodged to amend the LEP for land at 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher. It seeks to rezone land from C4 Environmental Living to part R2 Low Density Residential and part C2 Environmental Conservation. The planning proposal (also known as a rezoning) intends to change the zoning of the land to allow approximately 150 lots between 300–450m2 for low density dwellings.

The public exhibition period was from 22 April 2024 to 21 May 2024. More information may be viewed on CN's Have Your Say page

Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023

  • Council at its meeting of 12 December 2023 adopted Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023. Newcastle Development Control Plan 2023 was operational on 1 March 2024 and repeals Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012. It is available on our Development Control Plan page.

Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012

Exhibition of the Draft Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservation Areas Review Report

Public Exhibition has completed for the Draft Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservation Areas Review Report.

Council at its meeting of 31 October 2023 resolved to exhibit the Draft Newcastle City Centre Heritage Conservation Areas Review Report (draft report). The draft report documents a review of two of our eight heritage conservation areas and input from the community.

The community engagement period was 6 November 2023 to 18 December 2023. More information may be viewed on CN's Have Your Say page.

Public Exhibition of City of Newcastle’s Draft Development Control Plan 2023

A comprehensive review has considered the relevance of current development controls, and whether they reflect best practice guidelines, adopted land use strategies, and City of Newcastle priorities. Once adopted, DCP 2023 will replace DCP 2012.

Draft DCP 2023 was on public exhibition from 28 September to 27 October 2023. Your feedback will be considered to guide next steps and the final document.

If you have any questions please contact Strategic Planning on 02 4974 2000 between 8 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday.​

Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012

  • Council at its meeting of 23 May 2023 adopted the amendment to the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 - Section 6.16 Lingard Hospital Precinct. The amendment (No. 27) came into effect on Monday 3 July 2023 and is available on CN's website. A Planning Proposal and Planning Agreement was also adopted at this meeting.

Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012

  • Council at its meeting of 23 May 2023 adopted the amendment to the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 - Section 6.16 Lingard Hospital Precinct. The amendment (No. 27) came into effect on Monday 3 July 2023 and are available on CN's website. A Planning Proposal and Planning Agreement was also adopted at this meeting.

Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012

  • Council at its meeting of 26 April 2023 adopted the amendments to the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 – Section 6.04 Renewal Corridors. The amendments came into effect on Monday 29 May 2023 and are available on CN's website.

Newcastle City Centre and Newcastle East Heritage Conservation Areas

  • The first stage of Community engagement has finished for the Newcastle City Centre and Newcastle East Heritage Conservation Areas Review project.

    City of Newcastle (CN) has started a strategic review of the existing Newcastle City Centre and Newcastle East heritage conservation areas (HCAs). We aim to identify the heritage value and the merits for heritage protection in the area. The buildings, streets, and precincts of these two HCAs have experienced significant change brought about by the recent economic revitalisation of Newcastle City Centre.

    The community engagement period was 17 April 2023 to 29 May 2023. More information may be viewed on CN's Have Your Say page.

Community Infrastructure Incentives in Wickham Planning Proposal

  • Comments are now closed on the Draft Planning Agreement and Development Control Plan - Lingard Precinct

  • Comments are now closed on the Draft Planning Agreement - 30 and 31 Vista Parade Kotara

  • Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 - Repealed Sections

    Council at its meeting of 25 November 2022 (Correction 25 October 2022) resolved to repeal the following sections due to being obsolete, sites being developed, approved and/or no longer relevant or current: Section 3.09 – Tourist and Visitor Accommodation Section 6.11 – Royal Newcastle Hospital Site, Section 6.14 – 11 Mosbri Crescent, The Hill. This amendment to the DCP will be known as DCP Amendment 25 to Newcastle DCP 2012. It came into effect on Tuesday 22 November.

  • Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 Section 6.03 Wickham - Council at its meeting of 23 August 2022 adopted Newcastle Development Control 2012 Section 6.03 Wickham.The amendment came into effect on Monday 12 September and is available on our website.

  • Comments are now closed on the  Newcastle Heritage Policy 2022 Exhibition

  • Comments are now closed on the Planning Proposal to Amend Newcastle Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 - Lingard Hospital.

  • Amendments to the Newcastle Development Control Plan 2012 - Council at its meeting of 27 September 2022 adopted the amendments to the Newcastle Development Control 2012 - Section 4.02 Bush Fire Protection, Section 4.03 Mine Subsidence, Section 4.04 Safety and Security and Section 7.03 Traffic, Parking and Access. The amendment will come into effect on Tuesday 1 November and will be available on Council's website.
  • Comments are now closed on the Draft Planning Agreement - 10 Dangar Street Wickham. The draft Planning Agreement proposed a monetary contribution of $1,587,976.50 paid to City of Newcastle in connection with the proposed development at the site.

View Urban Planning Notices and Exhibitions currently on display 

Notices of Annual General Meeting

The meeting was held on Tuesday 23 March 2021 at City of Newcastle's City Administration Centre. View further information on the Building Better Cities Housing Management and Development Committee AGM.

Property & Asset Notices

Archived Property and Asset Notices

Western Corridor Road Upgrades - Public notice for varying the existing levels of a public road

Notice is hereby given, under provisions of the Roads Act 1993 Part 3, Division 3, Section 29, that City of Newcastle proposes to vary the existing levels of a public road on Longworth Avenue and Minmi Road, Wallsend.

We’re upgrading the road network within the western corridor to provide greater access for the communities of Wallsend, Minmi, Fletcher and Maryland. 

Detailed designs are currently being developed for the upgrade and widening of Minmi Road from Maryland Drive to west of the Summerhill Road roundabout, and Longworth Avenue. We plan to commence construction of these upgrades in early 2025.

Plans for the proposed changes in road levels may be viewed in person at the City of Newcastle Customer Service Centre (12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West) or Wallsend Library (30 Bunn Street, Wallsend).

Written submissions can be made by mail, email or in person from 31 May until 1 July 2024.

  • by mail to Chief Executive Officer, Attention: Assets & Facilities, City of Newcastle, PO BOX 489, Newcastle NSW 2300.
  • by email to
  • in person at CN's Customer Service Centre.

For enquiries, please call 4974 2000.

This notice has been prepared in accordance with the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).

Public Notice -  Proposed Lease for Passmore Oval

  • City of Newcastle is inviting comments on a proposed lease at 22 Albert Street Wickham to Hamilton Hawkes Rugby Union Football Club Incorporated for the purpose of a community room/bar and gymnasium. The proposal is for an initial term of 7 years with a further two (2) 7 year options.  

    The grant of the lease is subject to Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993. 

    Submissions in writing should be addressed to: 

    The City of Newcastle, Passmore Oval Lease, PO Box 489, Newcastle, 2300 or and be received by close of business Monday 20 May 2024.

    For further information on the proposed lease please call 4974 2074.

    Public Notice -  Proposed Lease for 73 Darling Street Hamilton South

    City of Newcastle is inviting comments on a proposed lease at 73 Darling Street Hamilton South to Newcastle Olympic Soccer Football Club Incorporated for the purpose of meetings, training and storage. The proposal is for an initial term of 21 years. 

    The grant of the lease is subject to Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993. 

    Submissions in writing should be addressed to: 

    The City of Newcastle, Darling Street Lease, PO Box 489, Newcastle, 2300 or and be received by close of business Monday 20 May 2024.

    For further information on the proposed lease please call 4974 2074.


Public Notice -  Draft Council Property Lease and Licence Policy

  • The Draft Council Property Lease and Licence Policy was on public exhibition from 2 November to 30 November 2023. The Policy provides CN with a framework to support the financially sustainable, equitable, fair and transparent management of lease and licences of Council Property. For more information, please visit the Have Your Say webpage. For any enquiries, please call City of Newcastle on 4974 2000 or email

Public Notice - South Newcastle Beach Kiosk

  • City of Newcastle is inviting comments on a proposed lease of part of Lot 7061 DP 1118737, trading as The Canteen South Newcastle Beach Pty Ltd., for the purpose of providing refreshment products including take-away food and beverages, for five (5) years with a further 5 year option. The grant of the lease is subject to Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993. Submissions closed on Monday 11 December 2023. For further information on the proposed lease please call Nick Wells on 4974 2000.

Public Notice - Proposed Lease Notification for Public Pools

  • City of Newcastle (CN) proposed a lease to BlueFit Pty Ltd (ABN 74 127 508 230) for the management and operation of its five inland pools, being Beresfield Swimming Centre (230 Anderson Drive, Beresfield), Wallsend Memorial Swimming Centre (6 Frances St, Wallsend) and Mayfield Swimming Centre (21a Maitland Rd, Mayfield), Lambton Park War Memorial Swimming Centre (50 Howe St, Lambton), Stockton War Memorial Swimming Centre (49 Pitt St, Stockton). The initial term of the proposed lease is 7 years, with two 7-year options at CN’s discretion, pending capital investment. The grant of the lease is subject to Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993. Submissions closed Monday 31 July 2023.

Merewether Beach Kiosk - Proposed Lease Agreement

In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, Newcastle City Council is proposing to grant a lease over part of Council-owned Community Land at 1 John Parade Merewether (Lot 2, Deposited Plan 1118903), otherwise known as Merewether Beach Kiosk.

The proposed lease of Merewether Beach Kiosk to Merewether Beach Company Pty Ltd for five (5) years is for the purpose of providing refreshment products including take-away food and beverages.

Newcastle City Council is inviting submissions in writing which should be addressed to The City of Newcastle, Merewether Beach Kiosk Lease, PO Box 489, Newcastle, 2300 or and be received by close of business Monday 17 October 2022. For further information on the proposed lease please call Property Services on 4974 2000.

Please visit our Public Notices - Archive page to view archived Notices.

If you have any questions please contact us on 02 4974 2000 between 8 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday.

Request for tender - For Lease, fit-out and operation of the Bar Beach and Nobbys Beach kiosks

Contract No. 2022/128T

Tenders were received up to 2pm Tuesday 2 August 2022 for the opportunity to fit-out and operate the Bar Beach and Nobbys Beach kiosks under a lease from City of Newcastle (CN).

Documents are available electronically at

Responsibility for lodgement by the deadline lies solely with the tenderer. Lodgement information is provided in the tender document. CN is not bound to accept any tender submitted.

Enquiries must be directed via the tenderlink forum

Inspection of the sites was available on the following date and times:

Monday 18 July 2022
Nobbys Beach 9:30am-10:30am
Bar Beach 11:00am-12:00pm

Should a tenderer require to attend the meetings on-site, then please indicate through the tenderlink forum. Attendance at any site meeting during the tender period will be at the tenderers expense.

Further information may also be obtained by calling Lisa Richards, 4974 2000, or email at

  • Licence to Transport for NSW for access to various parcels of City of Newcastle land

    City of Newcastle (CN) invited comments on a proposed licence to Transport for NSW for access to seven parcels of CN land (being Lot 6 DP1040350, part Lot 2 DP627240, part 1 DP396221, part Lot 1 DP 1148892, part Lot A DP 344454, part Lot 1 DP 774078 and part Lot 1 DP 627240) for six months, for the provision of public utilities and works associated with ancillary to public utilities.

    The licence is in accordance with Sections 46 and 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.

    Submissions were received until Friday 24 June 2022.

    For further information please call Lisa Richards on 02 4974 2000 between 8 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday.

View Property and Asset Notices currently on display.

Community Lands Notices

The below Community Lands Notices have been previously notified. The notification period has been completed, however, the public notice can be viewed as an archived record.

Archived Community Lands Notices

View Community Lands Notices currently on display

If you have any questions please contact us on 02 4974 2000 between 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.