Charity, Community Events and BBQ's
Charity and community groups provide valuable services to our community often sell food as part of their fundraising activities. Not-for-profit operations are not excluded from the requirement of the Food Safety Standards and provisions of the NSW Food Act 2003.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand has developed a series of Charity and Community Organisation Fact sheets to assist with their fundraising event such as cake stalls and BBQ’s.
All food businesses, whether you are running a restaurant or a cake stall must comply with the Food Safety Standards. The Temporary Event Guidelines (PDF) has been developed to make food businesses aware of their legal requirements and to suggest ways to assure food safety at the event.
Before you get started
Streel stalls can be used on public land by charity organisations and locals in the community to sell low risk pre-packaged foods (such as cakes and biscuit) for the purpose of promoting and raising funds for a not for profit organisation. If you want to apply for a street stall, you need to complete the application form for a Section 68 Approval and attach supporting documentation. Charity / fundraising BBQ's on private land (such as at Bunnings) does not require a Section 68 Approval.
If you are handling or preparing medium / high risk foods, you'll need to notify your food business details to City of Newcastle on (02) 4974 2000 and advise of dates of your planned event, contact details on the day and that you have read and will comply with attached information regarding Charity and Community Events. Development consent might be required if you are trading in private land.
Skills and Knowledge
Volunteers handling food at charity and community events are not required to have formal food handler training as long as they are under direct supervision of a qualified food handler. It is recommended that each person is assigned one task within the food stall or BBQ. Volunteers need to be provided with clear instruction and all the appropriate equipment to undertake their food handler duties.
Our Food Officers may inspect your food stall to ensure compliance with the Food Safety Standards and inspection fees may apply. If you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Enquiry Centre on (02) 4974 2000.